Chickens for my wife

Hello all
just joined , gonna be doing a lot of reading so I can best decide on what kind of coop and how big I will need to make it. My wife has been wanting chickens for quite some time now and since our new neighbors have already gotten them a coop set up with chickens she is really keyed up for me to make it happen.
wish me luck !
Welcome to BYC!!
What you will need depends largely on 3 things: Location, Location, Location!
Climate, Ordinances, and Space.
Get your ducks (LOL) in a row by making sure you can have the birds you desire.. Running afoul of HOAs leads to heartbreak (or city ordinances)

And naturally, the climate dictates what setup you need.
I am pleasantly shocked to see it is true that chickens do quite well in the cold even with minimal shelter when my poor girls had to endure this artic blast with little more than a roof over their heads.
Prepare to get lost (and don't let the abundance of posts with injury, illness, and disaster deter you. We don't post that much when things go swimmingly!)

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