Cock-a-doodle-doo or don’t?


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2023
San Diego
So this crowing thing? Chickens… why do chickens crow? What motivation do they have? What’s their motive….? What happens when they crow? collars soften crow but can the crow be put to a comfortable stifle…?

Chickens ears close when they crow… for protection
Sounds kinda out there… but could the ear flap being kept open by a device?
And old school ear lobe dubbing?
I’ve read and heard from some old timers
That ear lobe dubbing sometimes stopped the crowing entirely!
What do you thjnk?
I remember some 1950s training videos with the roosters getting stretched out and a thin blunted stick or something in its throat poking a hole in the tympaniform membrane without stabbing out the front of the neck. Maybe it was some old way of doing the de-crowing method with or without cauterization.

Have you heard of this>>>? and what do you think?

The modern way - De-crow surgery
A large amount of the lateral wall of the syrinx was removed allowing air to flow into the intraclavicular air sac from the bronchi and trachea.
Crow No crow.png
Devoicing the Chicken W. B. GROSS Department of Veterinary Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Virginia
A rooster should have the right to crow, it's his natural instinct and he is an animal that deserves to have a good life. If anything, u should use a crow collar or get quail which aren't noisy if u are in a neighborhood. It is inhumane to cut off any part of an animal, such as when people cut off dogs ears, unless if it is for a necessary amputation for the welfare of the animal.

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