Color Genetics in Guineas?

LOL JLeigh, I don't even know half of what I need to know. What little I do know I have gleaned from doing tons of reading (and re-reading) whatever I could about Guineas over the years (most of which did not sink in, lol), luckily for me I've met several helpful people along my Guinea journey that have a complete grasp on/understanding of how genetics work and they've explained certain things in terms I could understand, plus just from making observations in my own flocks and of their hatches over the years has helped things slowly start to sink in for me. But I still don't fully get all of it, nor can I explain all of it... which frustrates me to no end cuz I should know/understand all this stuff. (Science was sooooo not my favorite subject in school tho - blah phooey booooooooring snore snore). Sometimes I can read something 50 times, written or explained 50 different ways, and it won't sink in for me, but after I see it just once with my own birds BAM! it finally clicks for me. Other days I get cross eyed and a migraine from trying to get a grasp on something that I just can't wrap my tired brain around
What about buff and royal purple males over lavender hens?

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