
Hi Colorado Chicken Lovers! I live in Loveland and have 4 chickens so far. (A mixed group) They just started laying and we are sharing our bounty with our neighbors. They are very entertaining critters! We are enjoying this wonderful time of the year with the crisp nights and nice warm days. Happy Fall everyone!
chickensrfun, I've been to Henderson! We got a Pomeranian puppy years ago from up that direction.

Welcome to BYC!!
hi lendyseason... Welcome to BYC! We're almost neighbors - I live about 40 minutes North of you.

We got our first freeze last week, actually had a very thin layer of ice on the water buckets outside. Yuk! I don't like the cold but I do love snow. I'm trying to figure out how to have three feet of snow in 80 degree weather...
Same here on the freeze - love the snow too....

I do have a question for you...

I have an 8X8 coop that I have been using a red heat lamp in...I havent plugged in a timer so I run the light it possible to give too much light to the chicks...they are 9 weeks but already huge. I have read many articles about not enough light (and heat) but not anything about too much light?\\\\
lendyseason asked about using light.

First, I'd suggest you start a new thread so you get more experienced replies but I would think that at this age they don't need the heat any longer, at least during the day.

I'd turn the light off and watch to see if they huddle together during the day (they're too cold or afraid) or wander around individually (that's what you want).

If your coop is ventilated but not drafty they should be Ok at night also as they can huddle together. You can go out and check on them and turn the heat lamp back on if you think they are too cold at night.
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