Coop light


In the Brooder
May 9, 2024

We got a solar light for our coop, but upon reading it looks like there’s different light modes. I know they need full darkness the majority of the night to sleep so which mode do y’all think would be best to leave the light on?
Is this going inside the coop or outside?

If inside where the chickens are, I wouldn't use it. It's motion activated, it will be going off all the time, chickens move during the night, they stretch, preen, look around, shift positions, etc.

If outside, then play with the settings to suit your needs.
My chickens have 7 roosting bars with dropping boards in an L shaped coop and run combo(predator proof)I keep a 5 watt light on at all times so they have access to their run and food and water 24/7

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