Coyote wanted chicken for lunch.


5 Years
Jun 17, 2018
Upstate NY
This morning I had a coyote that wouldn't leave. I have 2 acres of my 8 fenced in, and my coops are inside that fence. My three dogs keep most predators at bay. This morning a coyote would move off as my dogs were going ballistic patrolling the fence. Started to rain and the dogs wanted back in the house. Within a few minutes, that yote was at the fence line pacing back and forth. Let the dogs out and they chased it away. Played this game 3 more times. Coyote lost the last round, she has been eliminated.
Usually, they move on and I'm fine with that. Not this one.
My dogs just chased off a coyote this morning. Took multiple chase efforts to make it move on. I'm so sick and tired of predators at the moment. It's a daily struggle this summer.
My dogs just chased off a coyote this morning. Took multiple chase efforts to make it move on. I'm so sick and tired of predators at the moment. It's a daily struggle this summer.
Coyotes are a daily nuisance here, too. My neighbors a 1/4 mile away completely free range so predators are always near, picking off their flock. The coyote calls are night are so close and eerie. I have a 9k volt electric fence set far no issues with my flock.
Coyotes are a daily nuisance here, too. My neighbors a 1/4 mile away completely free range so predators are always near, picking off their flock. The coyote calls are night are so close and eerie. I have a 9k volt electric fence set far no issues with my flock.
An Electric fence is next on the list, we just had spent a small fortune on game cams and hardware cloth and other things a few weeks ago with the raccoon issue. So it wasn't in the budget but will be purchased soon. My dogs are helping but are indoor dogs ... and not livestock guardian dogs, though one thinks he is, which has helped.
This morning I had a coyote that wouldn't leave. I have 2 acres of my 8 fenced in, and my coops are inside that fence. My three dogs keep most predators at bay. This morning a coyote would move off as my dogs were going ballistic patrolling the fence. Started to rain and the dogs wanted back in the house. Within a few minutes, that yote was at the fence line pacing back and forth. Let the dogs out and they chased it away. Played this game 3 more times. Coyote lost the last round, she has been eliminated.
Usually, they move on and I'm fine with that. Not this one.
I have cayenne spread around to stop diggers. They won't get on on their paws and face but once.

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