Cracked Chicken (Christmas) Carols and Poems



Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Feb 7, 2023
The title says it all, these are cracked Christmas chicken carols or poems. Most have nothing to do with Christmas other than using Christmas carol music. But everything about chickens! After I whipped up a couple of carols for Shabby's newsletter, well.... let's just say I couldn't stop.... 😵‍💫 for days.... 😵‍💫 🤣

Sometimes the grammar is a bit off, or is that a made up word? almost rhymes? Just roll with it! I got a lot of inspiration from threads and comments here on BYC, thanks y'all! 🙂

So sing along, enjoy the songs!
But you have to provide your own background music, I can't hum along for everyone 🤣

Y'all have been sufficiently warned now, let the fun begin! And please feel free to contribute your own songs or poems, the more the merrier! 😁
Joy to get World
Joy to the Coop

Joy to the coop
The chicks are hatched!
The rooster crows his pride!
He knows they are his progeny,
When grown up mighty fine they'll be!
And the hens are laying again,
And the hens are laying again,
And the hens are laying again
To brood more chicks
Joy to the coop
The chicks are hatched!
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Cluck the Herald Chickens Sing

Cluck the herald chickens sing
Glory to the new hatched chicks!
Peace in roosting every night,
Let us out at mornings light!
Bring us scratch, we cluck cluck cluck,
Remember we are not the ducks!
As the crowing Roo proclaims
Hens nesting down to lay again!
More chickies are on the way
Counting all the twenty one days!
Cluck the herald chickens sing
Glory to the new hatched chicks!
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
They Hatched Upon A Midnight Clear

It came upon a midnight clear
The soft little sound of pip pip
The hatching chicks are almost here
See them starting to zip!

Three cheers they're clear, soggy and wet,
Stumbling like wee little drunks
All fluffed up pretty and bright eyed now
Look that one's striped like a skunk!

Move to the brooder, all warm inside,
They eagerly settle right down,
Slip two under the Broody outside
She'll be surprised in the morn!

They hatched upon a midnight clear,
The sound of pip pip and zipping,
The hatching chicks are all now here,
The new year full of peeping!
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Oh Come All Ye Broodies

Oh come all ye broodies
Come and brood your eggs now,
We need more chicks and
There's no incubator.
Know roo's been with you
And those eggs are viable
Oh come and brood your eggs now,
Oh come and brood your eggs now,
Oh come and brood your eggs now
To hatch out more chicks!


Thank you @2ndTink for the art!
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It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
They Hatched Upon A Midnight Clear

It came upon a midnight clear
The soft little sound of pip pip
The hatching chicks are almost here
See them starting to zip!

Three cheers they're clear, soggy and wet,
Stumbling like wee little drunks
All fluffed up pretty and bright eyed now
Look that one's striped like a skunk!

Move to the brooder, all warm inside,
They eagerly settle right down,
Slip two under the Broody outside
She'll be surprised in the morn!

They hatched upon a midnight clear,
The sound of pip pip and zipping,
The hatching chicks are all now here,
The new year full of peeping!
okay. Now i'm going to make an extra page to The Poultry Life

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