Cross-breeding for meat production

This spring is the first year we're actively breeding for meat. We have a Black Broiler male (to be fair, I didn't know he was a broiler when I bought him) over NNs and Nns. Possibly over my mystery pullets that came with him too.

Breeding with NNs is nice because the offspring will be far less feathered if they get even just one copy of the naked gene (so Nn). They don't just have missing feathers on their neck, they also have less feathering on their hips and armpits
We usually harvest them at 14 weeks. Processed weights - cockerels are about 6 to 7.5 lbs and pullets are around 5 to 6.5 lbs.
Thats really cool! Do you happen to have an average amount of poundage of feed the birds consume over those 14 weeks? Also what % feed do they consume during that time? Again thats a real neat meat cross 🤟
Thats really cool! Do you happen to have an average amount of poundage of feed the birds consume over those 14 weeks? Also what % feed do they consume during that time? Again thats a real neat meat cross 🤟
Sorry, I don't know, we grow them out on pasture plus meat bird (22% protein) and/or game bird developer (24% protein) They are not cost effective, as the breeder birds eat a LOT. I could probably buy 100 cornish cross chicks each spring for what it cost me to feed those 10 jumbos over the winter 😀
I do it because I enjoy breeding them.
Sorry, I don't know, we grow them out on pasture plus meat bird (22% protein) and/or game bird developer (24% protein) They are not cost effective, as the breeder birds eat a LOT. I could probably buy 100 cornish cross chicks each spring for what it cost me to feed those 10 jumbos over the winter 😀
I do it because I enjoy breeding them.
Haha.. I gotcha! I guess that was my question, how they compared to cornish cross feed consumption from chick to harvest. It seems real cool though to be able to breed your own meet birds without having to outsource chicks! They have a nicer asthetic about them too compared to the cornish crosses!

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