Crossbreeding question?


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
was just curious about something. I got a Bantam and a Chukar. one might be a male and the other female. My dad thinks they'll cross breed and have chicks in the future. So it's been bugging THAT even possible???
that would be a cool looking bird, but I don't think it is possible because they are two different species. Like a duck and a goose won't have goslings or ducklings.
Be careful that the chukar doesn't kill your bantam, they are nasty little buggers with eachother and even more so with birds of other species.

Also Chukars need a high protein diet unlike the chicken.

They wont cross breed!
I've seen pics of a guinea crossed with a naked neck on this site. It was the result of artificial insemination. That's probably the only way you could cross them and the offspring (if any) would probably be sterile as well.
No idea specifically about chicken and chukars but chukar hybrids with other pheasants are known to happen. I've even personally seen ringneck x chukar hybrids. Those looked more chukar type in body, with a tail much longer than the normal really short chukar tail.

I am guessing if it's possible, it would be easier using a bantam rooster and chukar hen.. roosters often will force mate something they were raised or familiar with. Guinea x chicken hybrids aren't all that rare and most of the time it is a chicken rooster forcing himself on a guinea hen. Crosses the other way haven't been proved to happen naturally.. AFAIK all crosses done this way were by AI.

Also peacock x guinea hybrids aren't that rare either.. there are pictures on the internet.
The chukar is actually very nice and somewhat calm. It kinda 'bonded' with the bantam and won't leave the poor chicken alone for a second. If I take either one away from the other they call out for them and sometimes go so far as to try and follow. I haven't seen the chukar attack or be mean once to the bantam yet. My dad is definately convinced that I have a bantam rooster and a chukar hen. Also I have them both on chick starter at the moment.
This is Guin-hen, a cross between a Salmon Faverolle Rooster and a Guinea hen. A friend of mine was all baffled when this thing hatched out of one of the 60 or so guinea eggs she had set in the bator.

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