Definitely a rooster, but...

Cuban Longtails

Flock Mistress
12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
Northeast Texas
Can anyone throw me a clue as to what breed or mix he may be? I originally thought he was some sort of cornish cross, because he's quite solid and tight feathered.



I believe you were correct on your thinking a Cornish cross.
I believe he is a Dark Cornish cross. That is a handsome fella.

Do you have any Buff Orpington hens? Dark Cornish & BO make an excellent cross. Of course he isn't pure, but he just screams Dark Cornish to me.

Thank you! He's not aggressive (yet), but he sure isn't taking it easy on the girls!

I say yet because he's just now reached his sexual maturity, I'm guessing he's 7 months old. I can't remember when I bought him, but it was during the spring while Atwoods still had their chicks in stock. I have two others but they haven't feathered out as nicely as he did.

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