Does avian botulism affect the eggs?


In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2018
A few months ago one of my ducks had what I believe was avian botulism. I read some where that your not suppose to consume any birds that have been infected with that disease for about a year after. But what Im wondering is are her eggs affected by that? Are they safe to eat? The sickness has past and she has been doing fine for the past 2 months, just wondering if any body eles has experienced this and has any advice.
Botulism is usually deadly. What made you think that's what it had?
Because she had most of the symptoms, and out of nowhere she wouldn't be able to move, she would lay there limp not able to pick her head up and her breathing was rough, then after 2-3 min she would get up and act fine. It was like she was paralized for a few minutes at a time
Because she had most of the symptoms, and out of nowhere she wouldn't be able to move, she would lay there limp not able to pick her head up and her breathing was rough, then after 2-3 min she would get up and act fine. It was like she was paralized for a few minutes at a time
Botulism makes them paralyzed where they can't get up, and often they never get up again. Sounds more like she was lethargic or had something internal going on, definitely not botulism.

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