Duck survived raccoon attack but is hurt, help pls?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Poland, Ohio
We recently took in 2 baby ducks, about 3 months ago or so. They are now about 5 or 6 months old. Last night, a raccoon managed its way into their pen. We found one of our ducks didnt make it but the one that did has a half dollar size bite taken from her back :( shes walking but it is now morning and she didnt eat or drink anything I put for her. We brought her in the house and was hoping after the shock of losing her mate and the attack itself goes away that shed be ok but shes not acting like herself and hasnt eaten. Is this something she wont recover from? I dont want to loose her but hate to see her suffer. She looks hurt, scared and isnt doing her reg behaviors, etc. I am new to owning ducks and it is harder since we rescued them and nursed them to health. They were getting so big and the male was turning such a pretty emerald green, just growing up healthy! Then this :( any help would be great. I also dont want our kids to see that she made it only to die anyway..... do they heal well?
Sorry for your situation. I have pekin and California blue muscovy ducks and gratefully no ducks have been injured, Wait one of the ducklings got in by the muscovy duck with a brood of her own and she grabbed the duckling around the neck, back, and wing. The duckling had wounds and bumps all over it from the muscovy, it was hard to look at. We brought it and the 4 other ducklings into the house for warmth and security. The duckling died that night. It was a very sad day. Sorry I can't be of any help, I doubt my one experience gives me any credibility. Best of luck.
Aww poor babe, so sad to hear it died :( I am thankful for your reply, knowing Im not alone, ya know? I just so worried about her. She still hasnt eaten but she did finally quack a minute ago. She hasn't made a peep since we brought her inside.
Thank you!
Awe I wish there was something I could say to help. I understand how it is to be alone on here lol. I just had a horrific turkey experience last night and have posted questions about an hour ago...still nothing. But I hope she gets better I know how attached we get to these stupid animals. They just don't live long enough;(
Hope ur turkeys ok!! Im new to bird care and know nothing of turkeys.....wish I could help! Yes I got very attached very quick.....
Update tho....Deema has been in our house since last night and I got her wound cleaned with sterile saline and iodine. She did really well and has since started eating and drinking again. I think she will be ok but need to get her a new mate soon
You are on the right track. She needs to be safe and kept away from flies - they lay eggs in wounds. Keep rinsing the wound with saline solution or Vetericyn. Some use blu Kote - depends on depth of wound.

Get her into a tub of lukewarm water and watch her. Check for hidden wounds. Look under the wings, around the vent. Clip feathers around the edges of wounds.

You may want to post on the duck forum. More duck people will respond.
So sorry your duck is hurt. We have lots of raccoons here, too, and will have to really predator proof our chickens when we get them next year. The vet has a spray bandaid that you spray on and it helps protect the wound. It might not work for your duck, depending on how deep the wound is. You can use plain eye wash as a saline solution. This was suggested to us by the vet. There is also a website, All Natural Pet, that uses natural products and herbs, etc. I have used this for my pets, and the products really see to work. I don't know about ducks, though. But I would think that there would be a site for poultry type animals, too. Hope this helped. Will be praying for your "baby". Also, you can give it liquids with a eye dropper by putting it to the side of its mouth and letting some liquid get on its beak or tongue, and letting the duck swallow it on its own.
Here is a story from Captain Cluck that may give you some ideas.

When my duck, Lucy, was attacked by a raccoon, I had head wounds to deal with, too. No jaw damage but she had a bite taken from the edge of her bill.

I put her on homeopathic for bites and vitamins at first, but homeopathics take a long time to work, so after a week on that (and an infection starting in the leg wound that I had missed) I switched her to Duramycin (got at Tractor Supply). Add 1/4 teaspoon to 20 oz of water (2 1/2 CUPS). Only mix up what you will use immediately and store the rest of the powder in a clean, dry jar. You will want to keep a measuring spoon in the jar just for the Duramycin. If you won't be using the entire 20 oz right away, put the extra in the refrigerator until you need it, but do not keep it for longer than 1 day. I have seen funk grow in it if kept longer than that. Lucy got her water in a 20 oz travel mug 2x a day.

After her first day of not eating, she only wanted cooked, mashed peas for 2 weeks. She refused anything else, so keep tempting your duck with things she loves to eat. You may have to use a syringe and squirt some liquified food into her bill to get her to eat. which means you will ahve to take some food and puree it in the blender and add enough water to make it liquidy. Lucy's bill was very sore and I had to mash her peas so she could eat them.

Examine your duck carefully to locate all the wounds you can find. Trim away feathers from the wounds so you can treat them effectively. Don't be afraid to trim away all her feathers if you think you need to to examine her. You can dress her in newborn t-shirts until her feathers grow back. If you keep her in a dim, quiet room, she will heal faster, and eventually start to molt. At least, that's what Lucy did.

Use saline to rinse out the wounds every day. Use a q-tip to pack the open wounds with antibiotic ointment.

If there is a puncture wound (which includes bites), you will need to debride it daily with a gauze pad. That means put peroxide on a gauze pad and scrub the scab off the puncture wound and scrub it enough to keep it open so it can drain. Punctures must heal from the inside out, or they get infected. Pack the punctures with antibiotic ointment, too.

Since you can't wrap a head wound on a duck, just let her wash her head at will. The only wound I wrapped on Lucy was her leg wound while it had Ichthammol on it to pull out the infection.

Let her rest and check on her every few hours. Change her towels at least 2x a day, or get those incontinence pads you put in a patient's bed and put one of those on top of the towel. Easy cleanup and less laundry. I got mine at Wal Mart.

I did not have the money for a vet visit, but if you do, I highly suggest taking her in.

Too many chickens, not enough ducks. Plenty of Kids, dogs, cats.One loving, soft-hearted husband. I am rich!
Thanks all, for everything. I am new to the site & didnt no of the duck forum but saw the emergency one and figured that was best..... she has much better mobility already so im glad, her appetite is back to normal and shes drinking plenty. Shes had 2 baths today in comfortable temp water, swam and finally started cleaning herself again and doing her 'happy dance' -- not sure wat its cald but wen she gets her head under and flips water over herself....she didnt do it at all n barely moved til bath #2....cleaned wounds with sterile saline spray, then peroxide solution 1st time only then iodine 2nd time. Shes ALMOST back to normal!! Shes still hurting and scared but doing betr!

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