Duckling isn't quacking


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Last night when I was holding all three of my babies, Racer (boy I think) keep going through the motion of quacking, but nothing was coming out. Is that normal? I honestly don't know whether or not he has actually made a noise. He would open and close his mouth as though he was quacking, and he had his head extended while he was doing this.

Any thoughts?
Maybe he has no voice?

In my experience, the boys have a hoarsew whispery voice, the females have a completely obnoxiously loud I-cant-think-when-I'm-cleaning-their-pen type of quack.

They develop their voices at approximatrely the same age range (8-12 weeks ish)...but I always hold out that the quiet ones will get loud quickly...although it has not yet happened lol.
A DUCKLING will not "quack", until 4-10 weeks old, and even then if it QUACKS it's a girl, Drakes will peep until they get their voices, and then it's just a whispery very quiet quack.
sounds to me like he is doing what my chickens do when they need a drink and their crop. I read somewhere that they do that "motion" trying to move their crop along...or something like that. To me, that always meant they needed to drink more.

I used to call it silent crowing. But now I know that is not what it is.

just a thought.
That was kinda what I was thinking...just thirsty.

When I said he doesn't quack, basically I meant he doesn't make noises. His, "sister" is rather loud on the other hand. I guess I was comparing him to her when it comes to noises. I'm not complaining that he's mellow, just making sure he's okay.

He is a Black Cayuga and he's 4 weeks old.

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