Duckling with broken or dislocated wing tip -- Advice???


10 Years
Jul 26, 2009
Hello -- when I went out this morning to check on my ducklings, I discovered that one of them has either a broken or dislocated wing tip -- just the last, outermost segment. It is sort of flopping out at a wierd angle compared to all of the rest. The ducklings are 4 weeks old, and just beginning to grow feathers on the wings.

It doesn't seem to bother it any - it is acting completely normally. I don't know how it happened per se, but seeing as they are wild-acting little things that panic when anything frightens them, I guess just running around in the pen did it, perhaps it caught the joint in the wire bars or something.

Since its Sunday, the only veterinary hospital around would be the emergency clinic, and I frankly can't justify spending a minimum of $200 just to walk through the door, let alone any treatment costs. If the creature were in obvious distress, that might be a different matter.

These are Rouens, so I know long term they really won't fly anyway, and if it heals naturally and sticks out funny, I doubt it would affect its quality of life, but I still want to do the right thing for it.

Any suggestions.
I was told you can make a cast for the wing or just tape it into the proper position with duct tape. If you can put something like popsicle sticks to brace it, it could help. I thought my duckling was getting better. He would put it in the correct postion on his own, but sometimes I still see it drooping a bit. I tried medical tape, but it didn't work. Good luck.
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I've never heard anyone talk about pinioning for this sort of thing, and everything I have read says that pinioning is done on day olds or done later by a vet.

A lot of people have had luck with taping. Use the search feature on this page and type in angle wing.

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