Ducklings and water


May 3, 2024
Omaha, Tx.
So my 3 Ruoen ducklings are almost a month old. I finally finished their pen and let them out to play today. They had a blast being out of the brooder and eating grass and such. Weather permitting, I'm going to keep taking them out during the day to get use to the pen and their pen feeder. We bought a small kiddie pool but I haven't put it in yet. So I have a question. I would like to put a few inches of water in the pool for them. They already stand a foot tall so no worries of drowning. I will be using hose water which gets a little cold. Will they still be ok to play in the cold water? If too wet by the time I bring them back in, I can dry with a towel, plus I still have a heat lamp in their brooder. Thanks for any opinions!
So my 3 Ruoen ducklings are almost a month old. I finally finished their pen and let them out to play today. They had a blast being out of the brooder and eating grass and such. Weather permitting, I'm going to keep taking them out during the day to get use to the pen and their pen feeder. We bought a small kiddie pool but I haven't put it in yet. So I have a question. I would like to put a few inches of water in the pool for them. They already stand a foot tall so no worries of drowning. I will be using hose water which gets a little cold. Will they still be ok to play in the cold water? If too wet by the time I bring them back in, I can dry with a towel, plus I still have a heat lamp in their brooder. Thanks for any opinions!
Hi! What's your outdoor temperatures when they'd be outside?
Oh, certainly. Your ducklings should be able to withstand down to ~60°F now. Towel drying is good if they really need it, but they shouldn’t need that heat lamp anymore.
Oh, certainly. Your ducklings should be able to withstand down to ~60°F now. Towel drying is good if they really need it, but they shouldn’t need that heat lamp anymore.
So our nite temps are still in the mid 60's. No need for heat lamp? They aren't feathered yet.
Thanks, Bobby
They will be fine.
You could even start with a smaller container, if it would make you feel better. I have several ‘kitty litter bottoms’, random bowls, totes, etc. scattered around my yard. Cheap, and easy to refill.

Momma ducks take babies swimming almost immediately. She got the fresh swim, but they all jumped in as soon as she got out

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