Duck's third eyelid injured*****PICTURES


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Smithfield Virginia
My call duck (about 3 months old) came in 3 days ago with a fleshy piece of skin in the corner of her eye. Was thinking that maybe she got pecked or hit a thorn in the water and was a little irritated. I looked around the eye, above and below the actual lid and under the 3rd lid and do not see any foreign objects. I have been treating it with Vetericyn. She eats and drinks fine. The is not depressed, but I have separated her from everyone because I don't want any of the other ducks or chickens to peck her eye anymore. I am including pictures, in one of them it looks like her 3rd eye lid may be torn at the top. There is no change since I started treating this eye, no worse, no better. If it is torn, is there anything I can do? Please help, any advice would be great. She is not happy not being able to get out with her brother and sisters.

This is the one where you can see a possible tear. What do you think.

I looked for the terramycin first. None of the tack stores around me can get it anymore for some reason. So, I bought the vetericyn as I didn't want to wait to start treating it. As for the lump, I'm not sure where you mean. The little white bit on the top edge of the 3rd lid, is white. I am guessing that it may be a bit of dead tissue.
I was gonna recomend vetericyn. We always keep it on hand and that product is awesome and is worth every penny. I used it to treat goats, cats and dogs eyes from infections to tears and abrassions. It works very well. Spray in eye about 4 times daily it should begin healing on its own and u should see a huge difference in the nest 4 to 5 days. It also works very well on hot spots and skin cuts or tears. If u would rather use Terramicin, any local vet should carry it in small tubes in save form. I think it would be ok to use both useing the vetericyn to flush the eye and then applying the salve.
Her eye looked a little better this morning. The 3rd eyelid isn't sticking out as much as it was, but is still out. I put vetericyn on her eye again last night and this morning, but i let her out to be with her family this morning. I will catch her and treat her and put her up again tonight to keep her eye safe. I am wondering if any of you think she has a tear in the top of the 3rd lid and if it is, can it actually heal without a stitch?
It does look like a tear from the pic...but eyes are amazing healers and I think it will mend on its own. Just keep an eye on it so it doesn't get infected with debris.
I agree. Keep it treated and flushed out and dont b suprised if after it heals up u cant even tell it ever had an eye injury.

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