Easter Egger limping, falling when walking

Hi Cheeptrick -how's Freckles doing? I'm still thinking about her. I'm seeing more and more posts about twisting necks and sleeping chicks. Couldn't find much of anything when Ruth first took ill. Glad to say she is 100% better but I still take her out of the coop for private one-on-one feedings and walking (rehab) with lots of protein (meats, cheese) and liquid vitamins because she will not come out of the coop and eat with the others - she's only 1/4th their size but such a cute pet. Today she did a little "Kramer" impersonation (from Seinfeld). Remember how his hair was always messed up and he always came sliding in Jerry's door? Well that's what she did today. It was late this morning before I made it to the run and all of them came running up. Ruth, as always, was inside the coop and heard me and she came running out so fast that when she hit the door and the ramp going down she kind of did a little sideways slide and with her feathers all frazzled like they are it was a perfect impersonation of Kramer. Wish I had a camera. Anyway, I'm studying my own little theory on feeding them extra foods, especially protein and would love to hear updates on anyone who's chick survived from a near death experience when they began feeding it something other than commerical feed.
Hi Ruth,
Thank you for thinking of me and Freckles. Freckles is the same, although we did have a couple days of normal behavior. We are hand feeding her daily and keeping vitamins in her water and just finishing up our sulmet treatment for cocci! I treated the whole flock. She still does not roost at night on the roosting bars and continues to be so light even though we are feeding her a ton (her breastbone is so prominent). I've received the dewormer and I think I'm going to start worming them now. I posted a video on you tube of Freckles and how she is behaving! Maybe someone can help us out after seeing the video!
Tell me what you think too!!??!! Is this worms? Or is this pecking order?
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Watched your video of Freckles and it reminded me of one of my chickens that got into an electric fence. (Not saying Freckles did). Anyway, at first mine would only lay there. She would eat and drink but couldn't get up or move her legs. She showed no improvement for several days of good feed and poultry drench vit. so I started giving her Dexamethasone injectable by mouth twice daily. Within 2 days I started seeing some movement in her legs. I continued twice daily for 5 days and then backed off to once daily for about 3 more days. I stopped when it was a battle to get the meds down her. She is now free-ranging and I even forget there was ever anything wrong with her. Just a thought.
I think at this point (you have given meds sulmet and now a wormer?) that it would be unwise to add another medication on top of that... it could very well be something the bird ate when ranging (so many toxins and such...bugs can eat off a carcass and pass on things too such as botulism)... if I have understood your story correctly, freckles is better but still far from recovery? ... if a toxin or a mycotoxin (often found on plants for instance in addition to a forgotten grain or such that has gone moldy) then it will take some time for reecovery so just be patient and continue basic supportive measures such as warmth and a calm safe environment and ensuring the bird drinks... a vitamin supplement (preferably a complete nutritional/vitamin supplement such as AviaCharge 2000 which can be purchased online from McMurry or Strombergs) will be crucial as any bird this ill will not only eat less but also have malabsorption to one degree or another (meaning even if they do eat they are unable to properly absorb prperly the nutrients and such from it)... it seems to me (with your encouraging news that despite eating and drinking problems) that the fact that freckles has shown some improvement makes me think that whatever it is that floored him is slowly working its way out of its system and barring an oncogenic virus (mareks or avian leukosis) ,then if you can just keep his nutrition up and ensure he does not get dehydrated, then I think he has a pretty good chance!
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Thank you dlhunicorn,
I did have the whole flock vaccinated for Marek's and Cocci at the hatchery, but I think I'm going to agree with you on the possibility of Marek's. I think I'm going to cull. Can you re- vaccinate for Marek's the rest of the flock? I'm looking up resources for the vaccine and where I could obtain some...or a chicken VET in my area of SouthWestern New Hampshire. Hubbard's??
From what I've read Marek's can mutate and some vaccinations can be ineffective.
What are your thoughts?
I would suggest you go to featherfanciers.com forum and post this (question and description of problem as you have done here) as Peter Brown is very knowledgeable on vaccination info and I feel he is the best person to discuss this with further...
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Thank you dlhunicorn! I have a call in to the UNH Cooperative Extension before I cull. They are going to call me back and I'll keep up with Freckles feedings and waterings and free ranging...although shes eating and continues to wobble and fall down. All other chickens in the flock are healthy...although one seems to be sneezing a little after our 3 days of rain. I'll keep you informed about what Carl 'The Chicken Expert' at UNH says! (-:
Ok, spoke with Carl at UNH Cooperative Extension. Emailed him my video of Freckles and he thinks its a vitamin deficiency also. For 4+ days I have been administering Freckles one vitamin E caplet by cutting open the top and squeezing the oil into her beak. After the first day I saw significant improvement...now after 4 days I'm happy to report she roosted on the roosting bars by herself last evening. Carl suggested adding Calcium in the form of oyster shells which I purchased at Agway today. Freckles RAN from the run this morning as I opened the gate and kept up pretty well with the others, albiet she was still a little slower than the rest. Her walking has significantly improved! I'll post another video in a week after our vacation! Thank you all for your help! SO happy I didn't have to cull!

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