Electric Fence Weed Control

Swamp Roo

11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
What is a good chicken safe herbicide? I just finished my coop/run and put in an electric fence. I have two wires around the base at 4"&10", one at 36", and one at the top. From past experiences, I know that weeds/grass will draw power out of the fence and eventually short it out. The 4" wire is going to be a problem, but I want it that low to dissuade digging. I want to have a 6" wide "dead" zone around the whole nine yards, and I won't literally salt the ground there since I may want something to grow there again it the next few hundred years. Any suggestions? I really don't want to ask someone to trim the grass around the coop on top of feeding my animals if I go on vacation. I hate spraying, but with a true mile of fence around my farm, I'm gonna have to get used to it. Just don't want to kill the chickens I'm trying to protect (bit of a difference between a cow sized critter eating a bit of roundup and a chicken doing the same).
Knoxx, I've thought about the physical barriers (plastic etc). I've only had short lived success with them in the past, but may try it again.

Verlociraptor, yes, you are correct that most electric fences are just one wire. Mine isn't, but the part around the run itself is. I also agree that my current power supply is not ideal, but it is what the budget allows right now. I will be acquiring a better one sometime this year that will curl the erhhh, ahhhh... "tail" on the bull when he decides to test the fence. Probably even get a solar powered unit, that way I don't have to worry about charging batteries or long term power outages (hurricanes). I live in SW Florida, so damp and humid are a way of life. In fact the back of my property gets "damp" all the way to my waist!
I'll have several circuits that I can disconnect as the water comes up. I'll hook up the coop and run to the pasture when I get a better unit. During the wet season, grass can grow an inch+ a day here (literaly) so even the most powerful controlers have a hard time keeping up. I'll still need to control weeds. Yup the only way to stop a really scared or mad cow is to shoot it. They will take down a whole fence lock, stock, and barrel.
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I use it in the spring between the concrete slabs, along the fence line and nothing grows there all season long. Only time it ever failed was when we had a three day rain right after applying it.
Is there a problem with turning off the power and weed eating around the chicken coop occassionally to keep the weeds down then turning it back on?
Thanks Kstaven, I'll try that. Velociraptor, yup, gotta complete the circuit to get zapped. I grounded out the run fencing that is behind the electric. The first coon that tries to jump onto it from a tree is gonna get a perm.
Missprissy, I wouldn't even need to turn off the power. The problem is that things really do grow fast enough during the wet season that I'd have to do it 3 times a week. That would just be too much of a PIA and asking too much of a temporary caretaker. Of course with the price of gas which is driving everything else up with it these days both of us won't be able to take a vacation at the same time until we retire at age 90.
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