EMERGENCY: Hen aspirated liquid vitamin supplement. Hen also has SEVERE vent prolapse, advice greatly appreciated.

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Apr 30, 2022
My beloved hen developed vent prolapse 3-4 days ago. At first it wasn't too bad, for the first two days I gave her warm bathes for 10 mins, then I would try and lead her inners back inside her fro 10 mins, then I would put pertroliem jelly all over her vent and inners. For litter I've been using pieces of boxes so it wouldn't be sharp for her.
Day before yesterday she tried laying an egg and almost died. My sister and I helped her and after a large struggle she pushed the egg out, but that greatly worsened her prolapse and now it's about 3" of inners out of her. Last night I gave her treatment again but it didn't seem to help.

Then I did a major mistake and tried to orally dose her with 1 ml (1 cc) of Rooster Booster Poultry Cell, and she aspirated on it. I've given orally dosing to chickens before and don't believe this has ever happened. Last night I did research and everything I read said all I could do is wait it out so I did.
She so far has survived thankfully but I think some of the rooster booster may still be in her lungs because she sounds weird now when she talks to me.

She also has a poor appetite.

Any advice about what I should do about the aspiration and vent prolapse is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I don't think you can do anything about the aspiration except wait and hope she can clear it on her own. Can you post some pictures of the prolapse?
I don't think you can do anything about the aspiration except wait and hope she can clear it on her own. Can you post some pictures of the prolapse?
Yes, at the moment I am unable to but I will be able to a bit later.
Thank you for you time and help.

I will a bit later post images, she is about a year old, a newer layer, and sadly a bit underweight, I am trying to help her gain some weight.
I also forgot to mention that when I found her vent prolapse 4 days ago it had to have developed within 24hrs because I pay close attention to my egg laying pets.
I also separated her immediately.
Thank you very much.
I tried many different treatments people had success with but failed.
She was in a lot of pain tonight, I tried the treatment in an effort to save her but her prolapse was so bad that I couldn't get it in at all tonight and when I lightly pushed she would get sick. So tonight I sadly had to put my hen down....
I will leave this thread open for a bit longer so people can see this update then I will delete it because there is no reason to leave it up and it greatly depresses me.
Thank you very much for you time @casportpony
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