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well I jsut saw this ... how is the state of your bird now??? is it the same... can you run a tub of warm water (just reaching above the vent) and let the bird sit there bit (splash off gently and let the bird get calm...the water must be warm but not hot) and then look to see if it is the same or if you can see anywhere a small opening for the egg to come out? I can not advise you further without a better description of what you are seeing.
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Well what it was was that it was the egg inside of something. I assume her uteris. So her uteris and egg were hangin out with only a lil spot for the egg to come out we rubbed mineral oil and olive oil on it and massaged it till the egg came out and pushed the uteris back in.

Is there anything I can get to give her to ge3t her to stop laying??
well...sounds like you figured it out yourself

Keep her in a darkened room...restrict light to a bare minimum while she is healing (light initiates lay>this may not stop it but it is the only thing you can really do for her and will ensure theleast amount of stress which is very important)... ensure she has sufficient water ... If it prolapses again (tht is what this is called) then flush with sterile saline (boil a galon or so of water and add one tsp of salt and let it boil for five minutes and allow to cool)... flush copiously and gently push back in... rubbing a bit of prep H afterwards round the rim of the vent may help shrink the opening and retain all within.
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Baby chick farmer,
you may repost your emergency using appropriate language. Otherwise you may not. Swearing and belligerence is not needed nor is it very nice. You NEVER have the right to use the language you have no matter the reason.
Any questions about what appropriate is, you may email me.
Read the first thread in this forum.
We are not here 24/7 and to expect us to fill in for a vet is unreasonable. If you are having such a terrible emergency that you cannot wait, I suggest you pick up your phone and call an emergency vet for advice.

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