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How rude of everyone not to reply! Please HELP! It's happened twice now. Two days in a row. yesterday we broke the egg and picked all the pieces out and today we got the whole egg out but is this something thats goin to happen all the time. Do we have to cull the chicken??
I don't know what to tell you.....but thought I'd remind you that this is not a chat.....it takes time for people to answer sometimes. I hope someone will come along soon that can help you and your chicken. I know we panic and want an answer NOW! Good Luck to you....
I remember you posting recently about a similar event. What did you do then? I have no experience with this and hence no advice. Sorry about your situation.
I would check that attitude at the forum door. If you want someone to reply, calling everyone rude is not a good way to get a response.
I would check that attitude at the forum door. If you want someone to reply, calling everyone rude is not a good way to get a response.

Well I think it's kinda crap that 14 people had looked at this and no one could give me any advice. So I think I have the right to be rude to yall
Is this chicken a pullet who just came into lay? If so, she may be producing larger eggs than her body can expel easily. Some pullets take a while to get things going right. Were there double yolks inside, or did it seem like two eggs were stuck together end to end?
At any rate, it sounds like the egg was stuck, and what you did was right. Break the egg VERY CAREFULLY, and then be sure you remove all the shell bits.
If she is an adult hen and this happens all the time, I guess it's up to you to decide if you want to deal with this or cull. If she's a youngster, I'd give her some time to straighten out.
Good luck.
Oh - when you are having a crisis and don't know where to turn, check out dlhunicorn's links to just about anything you could want to know. It might be a good idea to check out the site when you have time to look around, so that you are familiar with it when you need to find something fast.
I would check that attitude at the forum door. If you want someone to reply, calling everyone rude is not a good way to get a response.

Well I think it's kinda crap that 14 people had looked at this and no one could give me any advice. So I think I have the right to be rude to yall

Have you ever thought that the 14 people may not have had an answer for you...
Now, little sweetie, you apparently wrote this while I was writing my response to you. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and attributing your statement to sadness and frustration, so I didn't address any of that. However, you do need to understand that, just because 14 people looked at your post doesn't mean any of those people knew what to do about it. You didn't know what to do, so why assume anyone else does? There are lots of folks on here, many of whom are brand new to keeping chickens.
Ah, tolerance and patience - more of both makes the world a happier place!
although you are not an adult - you could still call the vet and ask. if there is something wrong, ask your mom or dad what a good time is, if they cant do it and the vet is somewhat close, ride your bike over there, it isnt so bad - it might just save her life. or you could wait for other people to reply as well - as i dont know what is wrong with her.
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