feedstore chicks?


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I have been wondering, for those of you that have bought chicks from the feedstore..or co-op...do your chickens accually look like the breed you ordered??

I have been wanting silkies that arent exactly SHOW hens...but that represent the breed well...I want to find silkies with AT LEAST silky-like feathers...not a mix of silk and stiff feather

From what I have heard so far...feedstore chicks and chickens tend to be horrible quality. butt, I'm not sure if thats true..so I am asking u guys

I only want one or 2 silky chicks...thats why I have to get one from a feedstore...but I don't want to end up with a silky that looks like a normal feathered chicken.

so basicallyyyy, I am wondering if any of you have found that they arent good quality..or if they are alright.

can you post pictures of your chickens and chicks that u got from a feedstore plz??

From what I have heard so far...feedstore chicks and chickens tend to be horrible quality. butt, I'm not sure if thats true..so I am asking u guys

I always buy my chicks at a local feed store. 90% of the people around here also get their chicks their. I've always had good luck with the chicks. Their isn't many roosters in the bunch and the chicks rarely die on me. Their chicks are very good in quality and are very healthy. But you must remember chick quality will vary from place to place depending on where the owner got them from and how he cares for them.

Heres a few pics of some feed store chicks at around 2 months old. I can't remember how old they were.




do your chickens accually look like the breed you ordered??

I wanted 2 Brown Leghorns, 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes and 2 Barred Rocks and as you can see, I got what I ordered.​
awww your chicks are cute!! they look good to me!!

I think I'm going to force my parents to drive me to the feedstore now

oh and, how does it work?? do u like order..and they tell you when they arrived?? plus...is their a minimum order?
At this feed store they order them themselves. They have several brooding cages that they keep them in. They always have what I want so I'm not sure if you can order them or not. Most places get new chicks in on Monday. They might order you a few if they don't normally carry that breed. It depends on the owner.
I just bought my 5 from the feedstore. They are all very healthy and alert. The person who helped me pick them out was also extremely knowledgable and helpful. He also discouraged three moms in the time span I was there who were just there to buy "Easter" chicks. I respected him for that.
thats good, I can't stand when ppl sell easter chicks for the money, knowing they will just die in a week :mad:

wat kind of chickens did u get?
I got three Production Reds and two Plymouth Rock.
Though I am considering going to buy 3 more...maybe of the Leghorn variety. Not sure.
One word of warning...Leghorns are Lunatics!!!
Not exactly your calm cool bird. They're very flighty, aren't keen on being held, pace the windowsill and tap on the glass like Poe's Raven, until they're let out, but lay a lot of eggs...

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