Fiona Laid an egg today


ChowDown Silkie Farm
10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Hornbeak, Tennessee
She laid her first egg today. I think she was as excited as i was. But she knew bout it before I did. I had just driven up in the driveway when I saw her at the pen trying her best to get my attention. She never acts like that. I got out and she was being very vocal and loud too. Like she was yelling at me. Since i'm on crutches it took me a little bit to carry my stuff inside and get their tuna and treats ready to carry out. I came back out and she was at it again. I thought it was strange behavior but maybe she just wanted out to free range. After I gave them their treats and gave her a petting, which its usually Sir Charles that is wanting all the attention while she stands behind him. He was actually standing my the egg but I didn't see it at the time. I closed their door and proceeded to the coop to feed and tend to the other chickens.

I always check everybody out, lookin at feet and for eggs and so on. I let them out to free range and turned around and Fiona and Sir Charles where both acting very aggitated. So I figured they just wanted out. I walked to their pen and there it was. She didn't lay it in the basket I put in for her. I filled it with wood shavings and made it a nice place for her and she laid it on the floor. I guess I need to move the nest. I may just let them stay in with the other chickens. Sir Charles won't let the other roo near her anyway. I don't want to take the chance though. I'd prefer they had their own pen. I'll figure out something. She wants to lay her eggs right by one of the doors and rain can get to that area.

Gotta put my thinking cap on.
congrats!!! She sure wanted to share the news with you!!!! Good girl!
Had my first ever egg today too. So exciting!
I know. I just love the "First Egg" days. I had gone to Indiana to visit my brother for 5 days. He is very very ill. The day after I got home my EE hen laid her first egg. I was so excited. Then about a week and half ago another young hen laid her first egg. It actualy surprised me with hers because it looked pink next to the green egg. Thought I had another EE. I just found out today she is a production red.

I don't know if I mentioned it but Fiona is an American Onagadori. Similar to the phoenix but a bantam breed. The long tails. I knew she would lay sometime this month. I wish my bator was empty but I have 6 days left on the eggs in there now and I don't want to mess up any incubation time with the AO's eggs. I'll just hold them back until this hatch is done.

I emailed the breeder I got them from first to let him know. We're gonna be grandparents. lol
Congratulations on your first egg. I have golf balls in my nest boxes and the birds all lay in them.

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