chickens did well over night again. The night before it was 16, but 21 last night. I went out at 5:15 after I fed the dogs and I got their water jug. I rinsed it out and put 2gal of warm water in with electrolytes and scooped the nights poop up. I left the door shut until it’s light and a bit warmer, even though they can only go under the covered area rain blow’s in, freezing raging is not a good thing. So the door stays closed for now.
Talk to me about how you covered your run, I tried to zoom in, I can see green looking string,,, what did you put up and do you have a pic showing the top??
I had a ton of hay twine so I tied a bunch together and strung it across the run to help keep hawks from trying to get in and catch the chickens. It will likely not last with this heavy snow and ice but it’s easy to fix.

Eventually I want to put a solid cover on parts of the run and the open sections I will put netting across the top.
My one worry about the plan is I have not tried to handle Bernadette and I worry she will freak out on me even in the dark. She is a big bird and if she freaks out it will be hard to contain her.
If you're really worried you could put her in a pet carrier or wicker basket to carry her over. She will hate you but that way you're sure she won't escape! Good luck🤞!
chickens did well over night again. The night before it was 16, but 21 last night. I went out at 5:15 after I fed the dogs and I got their water jug. I rinsed it out and put 2gal of warm water in with electrolytes and scooped the nights poop up. I left the door shut until it’s light and a bit warmer, even though they can only go under the covered area rain blow’s in, freezing raging is not a good thing. So the door stays closed for now.
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Glad all are doing well! Hopefully this weather will moderate fast, I am not a fan of winter! And I always worry about my chickies and the cold, but they seem ok .
Good morning GtC ! We have snow today, it’s still mild it’s 32F (0C) so the snow is very wet and heavy.

All this is going to change though and by noon it will be around 18F with high winds. Winter will arrive with vengeance!

I guess the chickies are not going to want outside today, maybe I will go out later on and throw down some old hay and put some poles or boards on them so they can have some interesting things to explore.

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The rain melted our snow. I like that area you put your chickens in. I wish I have that. All I have is the front yard and the jail cell. You're lucky. You already know what the temperature situation is in my area.
Even Grandma isn't too pleased about that. Winds at 20 mph (32.1 km) and it's 38 F. Says it's going to rain but it's cloudy right now.
Next Friday is going to be 52 F but guess what? That's going to progressively change over the upcoming days. By the time next Friday rolls around, it's probably going to be 41 F.
Hello everyone ! Friday already. I apologize I haven't posted pictures this week again. I've kept up with the thread, but like every year at Christmas I'm feeling a bit down (except last year when I had COVID 🤣). I dread the holiday and the whole Christmas thing especially in my partner's family, and I feel guilty about it because I have no reason to, apart from being a grumpy, getting old chicken bat !
Anyway I'm wishing (early because I probably won't be posting this weekend) a happy holiday for those of you who celebrate and enjoy it, and if some of you feel like me, remember we're not alone 💚.

And I will especially be thinking of those of you who have health issues still. I guess health is a blessing that is only understood once you don't have it anymore. Reading how you all are so brave dealing with pain makes me realize I should whine a little less and take more joy from being pain free!

I have some "Marylin styles " butts from this morning, thanks to the warm wind we are having. I know some of you are experiencing abnormally cold temps, ours have been abnormally warm for a few days and going up still, just like last year at the end of December. I'm eating outside in short sleeves now! Hoping all chooks in the cold make it all right especially Mama Hen!

Blanche, Cannelle, Léa, Piou-piou.
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The same : Léa, Blanche and Piou-piou
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Théo smart butt didn't look so smart 🤣. So undignified.
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And these are barrel bathing butts- Gastounet and Piou-piou.
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Had a chuckle over Theo’s windy butt 😊

I know what you mean about the holiday season, while I enjoy the food, and seeing some of my family (some not so much!), over all it’s not my favourite time of the year.

Winter is such a trying time of the year for me, I hate the cold, detest snow, and it’s always so dark and dreary. I guess this so for everyone - and add in the horses and chickies - I worry about them being cold, getting sick. I it no wonder I prefer Easter! Warm weather, the family can eat outside some years, and I don’t worry about the horses and chickens freezing!

Ok well I am thrilled your weather is so nice - even if it’s abnormal you might as well enjoy it! Have a nice weekend and enjoy your outdoor meal (so jealous! 🥰).

So, this is a chicken RELATED post, not an actual chicken:

While I know this doesn't amount to a hill of beans given the size of my flock, my frugal Yankee nature enjoys doing this, and thought I would share. And, though barely a drop in the chooks enjoy the 'drop'😊

Whenever I use root crops (beets, carrots, parsnips, etc.) I do this:

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They are setting in an upturned yogurt container lid, and in the kitchen windowsill. These were the tops off carrots that I cut & processed for the chooks Sunday night for Monday breakfast (with a mix of other veggies) They have grown/started sprouting in just a 3.5 days. There is one, maybe 2 of the bunch that won't sprout. I will remove any this Sat. that haven't at least started sprouting - so they don't rot. The rest will sit there for about 2 weeks, at which point I toss them to the chicks to eat (preferably putting them in some kind of feeder for greens so they can more easily break pieces off)

Presently, each morning I put about 1/2 an ounce to an ounce of water in the lid each morning. Once the greens really start to grow, I will do it twice a day. Since it is at the kitchen sink, whenever I put dishes in, or wash dishes, I see them so don't forget to add water. (that part is crucial!)

This is something that anyone can do, and it is free greens easily obtained for them in the winter. Hope it is something you might like to try!
This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
Bernie: See, you give them an inch, they take a mile. There she is stealing OUR food again! It's a slippery slope, next she'll be taking our heater, too!

Diana: Oh, bother. Get over yourself, she shares.

Bernie: Darn, where is her beakbook handle??? Seems I gotta get that Aurora on speed-dial!
You are really on form these days. 😆😆 :gig :lau
🎼🎶 Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me 🎶

Ok so it isn’t quite that bad, but I swear when it rains it pours. At PT for my ankle Monday the therapist went a little overboard on how long he has me do some of the exercises. My lower back has been killing me and I can hardly move ever since.

Then today we went to a doctor appointment for hubby. We’re expecting that he might need shoulder surgery, he has rotator cuff surgery on it 5 years ago and is having some trouble again, especially with numbness and tingling all down his arm. Good news is shoulder is fine except for some arthritis, so no surgery needed there. Bad news is after some more questions and an X-ray, turns out he has SEVERE arthritis in his neck. Several vertebrae eroding, many of them fusing themselves together. Have to go back for an MRI tomorrow since they suspect that is what is pinching the nerves that go down his arm. Which likely will mean he needs neck surgery. 🤦🏻‍♀️🥺😭

Medical whining tax and other previously owed tax.

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Great photos with rough news. I'm so sorry. Here's hoping that things turn out well for you both. :hugs

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