It’s not really about the price of the eggs. It’s about friendship between me and my customer. Sometimes I have so many, I give them away. Other times there isn’t any to give or sell. :confused:
I also give eggs away to friends, neighbours and family. I never ask payment from those 💕❤️
Yeah kiddo prefers to watch YouTube on our nintendo switch so no real way to avoid the ads. I'll see what I can do. I really don't want to get premium, I'd rather download videos onto her tablet if it comes to that. Thanks for the suggestions though, I'll put brave on my phone!
View attachment 3670370
Here's kiddo in her costume running to say hi to the chickens today. We went trunk or treating, we tried to do an airplane one but there were too many people and she got overwhelmed.
Chicken tax due
View attachment 3670372
Looks like she wanted to be a velociraptor like her chook friends 💕❤️
But my BIL was over here and he help remove all the boards, he told me next time to use 6” nails (ya he was being sarcastic!).

We created a huge mess - which I then had to clear away myself 😁 but it was worth it,

OMG - I had no idea you had planned such extensive destruction!
Where will the horses go? Didn't you just knock down their stalls?!
Yeah kiddo prefers to watch YouTube on our nintendo switch so no real way to avoid the ads. I'll see what I can do. I really don't want to get premium, I'd rather download videos onto her tablet if it comes to that. Thanks for the suggestions though, I'll put brave on my phone!
View attachment 3670370
Here's kiddo in her costume running to say hi to the chickens today. We went trunk or treating, we tried to do an airplane one but there were too many people and she got overwhelmed.
Chicken tax due
View attachment 3670372
It's better if you don't get premium.
If it's a iPad, you can just put Brave on it. If it's a Android or a Fire tablet, the other apps might work.
Yeah kiddo prefers to watch YouTube on our nintendo switch so no real way to avoid the ads. I'll see what I can do. I really don't want to get premium, I'd rather download videos onto her tablet if it comes to that. Thanks for the suggestions though, I'll put brave on my phone!
View attachment 3670370
Here's kiddo in her costume running to say hi to the chickens today. We went trunk or treating, we tried to do an airplane one but there were too many people and she got overwhelmed.
Chicken tax due
View attachment 3670372
Too cute!
Chicken and kiddo!
But my BIL was over here and he help remove all the boards, he told me next time to use 6” nails (ya he was being sarcastic!).

We created a huge mess - which I then had to clear away myself 😁 but it was worth it,

Got all the rubble cleared up and the horses are in, looks like the chooks have decided to head to bed.


Wish those school chicks wouldn’t roost on the Summer House doors!

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Awww your hubby is a keeper 😊 hopefully Cesario is now ok; and isn’t it so cute when they sit with the ladies when they lay their eggs? 💕🥰
Yes, my hubby is a wonderful person 💖!

Unfortunately, Cesario is still limping and holding up his foot. I prepared a crate for him and will take him off the roost and put him in there this evening and all day tomorrow. I don't imagine that he will be particularly happy about this, but hopefully a little rest will help.

Today Chukki decided that Cesario's appearance needed an upgrade. She spent a long time grooming him and she was NOT gentle! It looked like how a mother cat holds down her kitten and cleans it. Poor Cesario didn't dare move and just hunkered down waiting for her to be done! 😆

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