Mera has joined the ranks of the broody. She's a quiet one, and has chosen to brood in a nestbox OTHER than the preferred (THANK YOU sweet girl). She was on nothing but a fake last night, so got the eggs laid yesterday plus 1 from the house. Marked them this morning when she came off the nest for breakfast. She's back on now, so we will see how she goes. She went broody last year, but nothing hatched (multiple broodies), so she's still untried. As a whole, she's pretty chill, and not inclined to harass the juniors. She now has 1 green egg (Pippa, I think), 2 white (Lark/Indigo), and 5 brown, 2 are the lightish tones that the feather feet lay. The other 3 are more bronze toned. Tentative hatch date: June 9.
Oooo babies 😊🥰 can’t wait!

None of mine want babies it seems. So I have to live vicariously through you 😊
Piglet needs a psychiatrist. Either that, or she is born management material.

She continues to do everything like a broody. She shouts a lot. Tries to intimidate everyone, and is generally disagreeable.
Everything that is, except sit in a nest - she has delegated that to Tassels.
She even ‘sits’ - just not in a nest. Only where there is food within reach.
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She is what I would call the Regional Manager - she makes sure she get first dibs on what she wants then let’s the middle managers do the actual work 😆
Barred wings? There is a barred old English...
I am leaning towards the BB (Black Breasted) Red OEB, the Crele pattern chicks have white spots on their heads. The Silver Duckwings have a silvery colour and white strips from head to tail.

They fit in your hand when they are older, that's how tiny they will be, they will be even smaller than my silkies ! but I am reading that they are not cold or heat hardy - that will be a huge problem here in the winter, and maybe in the summer when it's hot and steamy.
They are little terrors! Esp the lighter one - she screams and is trying to fly out through the door - she managed to somehow fly up the 6" and get wedged in the 1" hole in the chicken wire - needless to say I was totally freaked out. They are going into the small cat crate I have tonight, I gave my niece the large crate I used with the other chicks. They should be fine in that crate for the night. Tomorrow I will bring in the water trough I used last year with the chicks. I'll put it in the feedroom for now, they are sooooo tiny! Don't want them to get injured by anyone.

I am guessing they are a week old, Peavey gets the day olds in on Tuesday's so they much hatch on Sunday or Monday morning at the latest.
This is going to be a whole new challenge for you. I'm going to enjoy the stories. They need a chicken mama but I guess you will have to do.

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