Ok. I watched to 6:45. Here's what I'm seeing.

1. You're afraid of him and doing a good job of masking it, but he knows it.

2. In his mind, you're another rooster coming into his territory.

3. The way you're petting the girls, you're trying to MATE with his girls, IN FRONT OF HIM.

4. The girls see you as a better rooster than Pastel.

5. The way he's going for your toes is the same way any chicken would tell another to back off or give ground. They peck toes and/or heads, whichever is more accessible.

Solutions (some of these MUST be implemented if you're going to keep ANY rooster).

1. Change the way you pet any of the birds. Running your hand down their back is a familiar gesture, especially if you have any experience with furry critters. HOWEVER in chickens, it's MATING. Instead, bring your hand in low and in front and rub their breasts/wattles. In rubbing their breast, you can also do a but of crop massage and get a pretty good idea of how well/poorly each is eating. You can also get an idea of if they're gaining /losing weight through their keel. An added benefit of petting this way (its more like scratching behind a dog's ears) is the hen stands up more which shows any rooster watching that you're NOT attempting to mount HIS ladies. If you do NOT make this change, 100% guarantee that you will eventually have problems with every rooster you have.

2. Toss Pastel the choice treats. HE will call the ladies to him, raising him in their eyes and helping reassure him that you aren't trying to steal his girls. Choice treats for this: walnuts (break them into chicken bite sized pieces), banana chunks (they split into 3rds lengthwise and break up nicely after that), blueberries, grapes (split big ones in half). Do NOT expect Pastel (or any roo) to eat out of your hand in front of his girls.

3. Spend time out there just sitting. Read a book, color or draw something. Don't be the center of their attention. They will swarm you, but when they realize you don't have goodies (or rather Pastel has them), they will go back to their regular activities. At first, sit just outside their run, as getting them to ignore you will take some time and he needs time to see you as a lesser threat. While Pastel is still considering you another rooster after his girls, make sure your back is to something solid. And read a hardback book. That way you have a shield if he does fly at you (which is a possibility with his current thought process).

4. When chickens tell each other to back off, they peck. They don't understand the word "no" at this point. You need to "peck" them (a sharpish finger into their shoulder will work, but needs to be FAST) when they (the girls) do things like hop up on the bucket. Getting the ladies to give you a but more space will also help Pastel recognize you're not trying to steal the girls.

Sorry for the dissertation, but from what I saw, he's actually a very good roo, who is acting as a proper rooster. He simply needs to be reprogrammed to not see you (and your mom) as roosters out to steal his ladies. The reprogramming may or may not work. I don't know if you'll be able to work past your fear of him. Changing the way you interact with the hens is imperative if you don't want to have the same thing happening with your cockerels when they reach the idiocy phase.
That makes a lot of sense.
I just told Mom and Dad that he’s staying for at least another few months. (@notabitail)

I do know that he’s a good rooster. I’m going to do what you suggested and see if that makes a difference.
I went to the tack shop for a girth. And maybe a cheap crop and halter.
I ended up with a
Breakaway stirrups
Stirrup leathers
And a saddle. (Don’t yell at me please @Ponypoor and @RebeccaBoyd)

The saddle was $150. It’s a Wintec all purpose saddle. It’s used, but in OK condition. It’s in good enough condition where I am comfortable with it for the next few months until I can get a better saddle.
Dad told me that he just wants to get me in the saddle and that he knows it will be more expensive in the long run. It’s a 7 day return policy, so if it doesn’t fit him we can return it. My dad negotiated and got it for $125. I do think it will fit him though.
Pastel is a pretty boy I will give him that. In truth, he is simply doing his job protecting his ladies and the chicks as he would in the wild. I have to ask, did he amp up his aggression towards you when the chicks hatched? I do not think he is a lost cause, I see glimmers of hope with him. I also completely understand if you and your mom are done.

Frankly, if he has always went after your mom, including spurring her, he would not have lasted here with me. I understand boys go through a hormonal phase their first year and calm down by a year and a half to 2 years of age. I also have a hard and fast rule when it comes to boys. You attack me and attempt to spur me or anyone else, you are done. No 2nd chances. There are children of various ages around me, and most if not all come in my yard to play as a group with the kids. Spurs do damage to adults, small children, a eye could be taken out.

Some good advice for working with has already been given. I did watch the whole video. I am impressed with how well you held your ground in your coop. It is tight quarters with all the hens and chicks running around while trying to keep your guard up against a potential aggressive rooster. I am also impressed and pleased to see how easily you picked him up. Bonus points for him as he really did not struggle with it and allowed himself to be held for a bit before wanting down. The pecking of your boots and legs. This will take some courage on your part, do not back away. Walk through him and make him back up.

I also think he showed remarkable restraint with you and the hens. He allowed the hens to hop up on you and or the feed bucket. If he was a total lost cause that would have set him off. The growling I believe he did towards you at the end of the video. As long as he does not follow up with a attack, leave it be. He does not have to be a in your pocket friendly boy. I really do not think he will ever be at his age. The goal is to co-exist peacefully.

Now, if he were mine, and I was in your position would I keep him. Honestly, no I would not. Spurring your mom simply crosses that hard line of mine. Does that mean he deserves a death sentence, no it does not. I really think he would shine for someone who had a free range flock who needed a rooster. One with no children or close neighbors. He's shown he will defend his hens and chicks. That is what a good rooster does. Old school chicken farmers would appreciate a boy like him. They are not looking for a "pet", they are looking for a rooster to do his job.
I read my mom what both you and @rural mouse said, and she says that she agrees. We are going to give him a second chance.

He really is an amazing rooster, and I didn’t really realize that I was stealing his hens.

He never got more aggressive when the chicks hatched. He started attacking me when Gumbo got older and just never stopped. He never had any problem with me before that, even when there were two other roosters in with him and there were only three hens.
I went to the tack shop for a girth. And maybe a cheap crop and halter.
I ended up with a
Breakaway stirrups
Stirrup leathers
And a saddle. (Don’t yell at me please @Ponypoor and @RebeccaBoyd)

The saddle was $150. It’s a Wintec all purpose saddle. It’s used, but in OK condition. It’s in good enough condition where I am comfortable with it for the next few months until I can get a better saddle.
Dad told me that he just wants to get me in the saddle and that he knows it will be more expensive in the long run. It’s a 7 day return policy, so if it doesn’t fit him we can return it. My dad negotiated and got it for $125. I do think it will fit him though.
A wintec is a nice comfortable saddle 😊

Have ridden in them often.

Go online and check how to see if a saddle fits so you can make sure.


That’s good. Mom was researching a bit about them and said that they are supposed to be good.
Yes, I will look that up right now.
Don’t forget your tack tax 😊

The bantam babies are bushed! They had a busy day - I had them outside a couple times and they sampled grass. Chicken scream blue murder until I go and pick her up and snuggle her. The two of them are super friendly and look for me constantly! I have never seen this in chicks before.
They are conked out under the brooder now.
I went to the tack shop for a girth. And maybe a cheap crop and halter.
I ended up with a
Breakaway stirrups
Stirrup leathers
And a saddle. (Don’t yell at me please @Ponypoor and @RebeccaBoyd)

The saddle was $150. It’s a Wintec all purpose saddle. It’s used, but in OK condition. It’s in good enough condition where I am comfortable with it for the next few months until I can get a better saddle.
Dad told me that he just wants to get me in the saddle and that he knows it will be more expensive in the long run. It’s a 7 day return policy, so if it doesn’t fit him we can return it. My dad negotiated and got it for $125. I do think it will fit him though.
Not going to yell at you. Until you really know him, you need a saddle. Bareback is fine do not get me wrong, but if you take lessons, you will need a saddle. I like your dad's thinking. Right now, you do not need new or fancy, you need practical. If it fits him use this for a while. The new or fancy saddle can come when you decide what discipline you want to focus in. Start saving now if possible. Even a couple dollars here or there every week or so will add up. It really will not take forever to save up enough for a newer saddle. As your dad proved to you today, if taken care of used saddles are cheaper and if you continue the care will last. You also do not need 3 or more saddles for 1 horse. Make sure the saddle fits his back and the saddle seat fits you. Everything we have is a 17 or 18inch seat for it to be comfortable.
Well she is likely pooping out the ones that are being killed off by the wormer.

Remember to repeat in 2 weeks time - or what ever the bottle says.
Thanks so much Kelly so I'll stop this for two weeks now. :)

I'm deeply surprised to be able to reply.
I was made to leave my home today and tried to get a taxi just too get signed up to another provider. As everything was arranged their computers crashed. :th

It feels like this will never be sorted so it's possible I will completely end being online or I will become ill. It's better if I just get a phone connection somehow. Maybe come into byc from the library 🤔
I’m at the dr office with my dad, and he’s telling is doctor all about my chooks.
He has a back disease so he has to go to a doctor quite often. I think the disease is all enclosing spondylitis… I think.
Tax: Happy Mugs Monday from Athens View attachment 3838253
@RoyalChick reply is possibly correct. I know spondylitis very well

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