I’m on a wild goose chase for this chicken IMG_1829.jpeg
Don’t forget your tack tax 😊

The bantam babies are bushed! They had a busy day - I had them outside a couple times and they sampled grass. Chicken scream blue murder until I go and pick her up and snuggle her. The two of them are super friendly and look for me constantly! I have never seen this in chicks before.
They are conked out under the brooder now.
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Tax: Willow and Pegasus were both on the move
Not going to yell at you. Until you really know him, you need a saddle. Bareback is fine do not get me wrong, but if you take lessons, you will need a saddle. I like your dad's thinking. Right now, you do not need new or fancy, you need practical. If it fits him use this for a while. The new or fancy saddle can come when you decide what discipline you want to focus in. Start saving now if possible. Even a couple dollars here or there every week or so will add up. It really will not take forever to save up enough for a newer saddle. As your dad proved to you today, if taken care of used saddles are cheaper and if you continue the care will last. You also do not need 3 or more saddles for 1 horse. Make sure the saddle fits his back and the saddle seat fits you. Everything we have is a 17 or 18inch seat for it to be comfortable.
The saddle my instructor had me use was 16 inches, so that’s what I got. I wanna do barrels with him, so I’m gonna save up for a Western saddle.
I didn’t go to school today, obviously…

I’m going to go tomorrow to say goodbye to my friends and teachers, and I’ll probably stay home on Wednesday to go to work with Mom. And after that, summer starts!
Tax: Nemesis has amazing hair. I’m going to do what Rural Mouse said to do, and I’m going to hope he stays nice.
Oh, should I still put Nemesis and Athens in with the big girls, even though I’m keeping Pastel?
I didn’t go to school today, obviously…

I’m going to go tomorrow to say goodbye to my friends and teachers, and I’ll probably stay home on Wednesday to go to work with Mom. And after that, summer starts!
Tax: Nemesis has amazing hair. I’m going to do what Rural Mouse said to do, and I’m going to hope he stays nice.
Oh, should I still put Nemesis and Athens in with the big girls, even though I’m keeping Pastel?
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Yes. They will all help teach the boys to be good.

Edit: one of the duties of a GOOD rooster is taking over the leadership of chicks when mom abandons them. They become his responsibility. Giving Pastel more responsibility (actually, I recommend putting all the chicks in, but stand a few stumps (at least 12 inches in diameter and 24 inches tall minimum) up in various places in the run with space around them for line of sight breakers and going up to avoid pursuit, maybe a few roosts or a saw horse there for a while) is a good way to tell him you trust him to care for "your" babies and gives him some distraction from pursuing you.
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Two separate tribes here. But the little ones are getting bigger. Both groups of chooks want my attention desperately. Makes me sad that I can’t be with them both at the same time, yet. Sir Jaffar had bad timing when he had to go. I sure could use him now.
Keep bringing in your ladies to meet the littles and the littles out to familiarize themselves with the yard and coop. You'll get there. Sir Jaffar trusted you implicitly.

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