This is what having fun while making a website looks like. Tax inside link.
OK FINE! Here's tax:
I’m sorry folks. It’s just that I do get emotional at times. I wasn’t like this when I was struggling financially. But I feel differently now that I am retired.
“Years ago I was young, strong and ruthless!
But now I’m just old, worn out and toothless!” :old
We are ok with that, we are all getting there - just remember you have a beautiful flock of chooks that adore you. 💕
Ok so tonight I tried 3 times to organize the two groups of chicks - wee ones under the brooder, big ones in the crate - nope they all wanted to cram on top of the brooder plate. I finally gave up and all 6 bigs crammed on top of the brooder with the two wee ones crammed between them 😳

And when I check the camera this is what I found!

Another Two For Tuesday photo

Hahaha what a couple of turkeys! I hope those wee ones will be ok up there and don’t fall off 😳

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