Found a pigeon in the road; it cant fly and has balance issues. Any advice as I have never raised pigeons

She hasn't made a peep yet! Ive been playing pigeon and dove sounds for her. I do need a name other than baby and sweetie.
She just took a head over tail tumble while trying to groom herself. Once she righted herself she had a wingflap fest. I hope it wasnt some sort of epileptic type episode.
If you found it in the road it was probably hit by a car. Sadly they usually die after a few days from internal injuries. Has it eaten anything?
I named her Roxy. She did a somersault while trying to groom herself. Once she righted herself she had a wing flap fest. Not sure what that was all about but she has yet to make any noise at all.
If you found it in the road it was probably hit by a car. Sadly they usually die after a few days from internal injuries. Has it eaten anything?
She actually is doing really well. I have chickens and when they come to look at her through the sliding glass door she really warms up and starts eating because she can see them eating. It seems she wants to wait for visiting chickens to lead her to eat, but she is eating well. She really likes the safflower seeds. I gave her some whole and ground up as well as wild bird seed, lettuce, some egg with vit E as advised and even some blueberry muffin.
Thank you for helping the pigeon. She may be unreleasable if she has permanent neurological issues. I have a few unreleasable feral pigeons myself, they adapt amazingly well to captivity.

You can’t really tell a pigeon’s gender just by looking at them, so I usually guess and give them a gender neutral name until I figure it out later (you can usually tell by behavior once they interact with other pigeons).
If she doesnt recovery (be able to fly) I will have to keep her. Will I need to get a companion pigeon or dove for her? I found her hiding in the kitchen for the first time today. She had gotten way back between some bags. I was lucky to find her. She is put to bed for now but I might need to consider getting her a friend.
If she doesnt recovery (be able to fly) I will have to keep her. Will I need to get a companion pigeon or dove for her? I found her hiding in the kitchen for the first time today. She had gotten way back between some bags. I was lucky to find her. She is put to bed for now but I might need to consider getting her a friend.
You can, though it’s not always necessary (if the pigeon is kept inside). If you get a companion, I would get another pigeon, if you get a smaller dove they may not get along. It can be hard to find pigeons, but if you want to get another rescue, you could check out local animal shelters or even wildlife rehabbers who may have gotten lost domestic breeds.

They can get into some tricky hiding places for sure! Mine have gotten stuck behind the tv, and once I almost panicked because I couldn’t find one anywhere, but he was just perched on the (turned off) ceiling fan the whole time!

Here’s one of mine, Kasper, wearing “pigeon pants” (aka a bird diaper) while inside
HA!, my dove did the same thing. He sat on my Casablanca fan watching me search for him. I finally noticed him up there. That was many years ago and he is no longer with me.
Regarding this pigeon, I just dont know yet what I will do. I tried again this morning but she still cant fly. She warms up to my chickens but the mother hens have attack her so I cant let her stay in my aviary until she can fly. Im still hoping she will recover so I can let her go. Ill take care of her until then. Is there ever going to be a time where I cant let her go because she would not survive in the wild....that is if I have to take care of her for a very long time to get her to the point where she can fly?
HA!, my dove did the same thing. He sat on my Casablanca fan watching me search for him. I finally noticed him up there. That was many years ago and he is no longer with me.
Regarding this pigeon, I just dont know yet what I will do. I tried again this morning but she still cant fly. She warms up to my chickens but the mother hens have attack her so I cant let her stay in my aviary until she can fly. Im still hoping she will recover so I can let her go. Ill take care of her until then. Is there ever going to be a time where I cant let her go because she would not survive in the wild....that is if I have to take care of her for a very long time to get her to the point where she can fly?
I don’t know, I haven’t a rehab case like this before. If she does eventually regain full flight without neurological/spinal issues, I would think it’s safe to release.
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Im thinking of trying tomorrow. I will take her back to where I found her and where a large flock of pigeons gather. I will see how it goes. If they all take off in flight and leave her behind Ill know she is not going to be able to join them yet. It is a large parking lot area that is not used so she will have plenty of room to practice.

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