Free range unattended?

Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
My girls are all free ranged and not fenced in at all (except for when they are in the coop at night) I have lost quite a few of my hens and roosters (all of which I was devastated by) but the girls love to run free and I don't have a big enough fence to keep them in. I have my dogs that help keep predators away and plenty of shelters for the girls to hide under if a hawk comes, but it's still a big risk.
Each flock keeper has different predator pressure & environment to assess the threats and taking age into consideration and your own risk tolerance.

At 7 weeks I would not leave them out unattended even in my urban back yard enclosed by a block wall. Now in a rural farm setting I don't let grown hens or roosters free range due to predators (occasional loose dog, coyote, hawk, owls and other aerial predators, skunk, racoon, cats, javelina, snake, etc.) but have very large enclosed runs. They are free to go in/out of coop to the run but are cooped up at night.
This is our second season of raising chickens from chicks. I’m surprised at how much the little ones are showing the same behavior as the older ones did when they were little. They know how to duck and hide and mostly explore areas where this is heavy cover from aerial predators. I used to free range without supervision, but they started wondering off property, so I only do it now when I can keep half an eye on them. It’s not to stop predators (except maybe a cat), but more to make sure they don’t wander off.
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
It will definitely depend on your location. I have two 3 yrs old pet hens. I had 3, (different breeds), hatched and shipped together, but shortly after introducing them outdoors at 6 weeks old, a hawk took one. This wizened the other 2 enough so that 3 years later they always seem to be aware if a hawk is around. After we lost the one, I stayed with the other 2 any time they were loose. Once, I was sitting about 5 ft from them when a hawk swooped down between us about 2 ft off the ground. Fortunately they were right next to a bush which save them. I did have a large wire dog crate that I removed the bottom from. I would move it around the yard for a portable shelter, and with the bottom removed, they could peck the ground. That worked ok for a while, but as they got bigger, they wouldn't tolerate being confined so closely together. The got a little "pecky". I moved a year and a half ago and our situation for them changed for the better. My new house has a huge 2 bay garage behind the house, in a fenced shrub filled yard, that I partitioned off for their small tractor coop, leaving it open to give them constant access and enough sheltered areas outside that I can leave them out from morning until their bedtime. And with all of that I know that there is no way to guarantee that I won't lose them to predators, but they are happy girls and as safe as I can make them and still let them enjoy themselves. I could never keep them confined. Lots of shrubs for shelter is very important and I keep a supply of water near their favorite bush right next to the house so they don't have to venture across the open yard to their water in the garage. They avoid the open center of the yard during the time of day that the overhead predators usually hunt. Nature will take it's course, no matter how well you prepare. There's always a risk raising any outside bird. And sadly, losing one will smarten the others up. Like I said, these are spoiled pets. I can't imagine the extent people have to go through with a larger flock. More work than this 75 year old can do! Good luck!
I started out a little paranoid about letting ours free range while we weren't home but after a month or so decided to give it a chance. We have a beast of a GSD who leaves presents everywhere as well as a small chiapit that also leaves his deposits (and around 10 outside cats). I have even forgotten to close their enclosure at night and have suffered no losses- knock on wood. We have fox, coyote, bear, chicken hawks, etc all around and I tend to believe that my dogs ' droppings keep them relatively safe. I personally didn't let mine free range until they were at least 4 months old though. Best of luck in whatever you choose!
That is a choice you must make for your lifestyle. Personally, I wouldn't leave them unattended until they are mixed in with a larger flock. And even then, we get paranoid so we don't free range the larger birds ( ducks and chickens ) when we aren't home. We lock them in their run.

Do you have a run for them? Will you be gone all weekend?
What about my chicks? They’re about 12 or more weeks and we have one full grown hen then a group of chicks only a month old
I used to free range my chickens, accepted occasional losses and raised replacements each year. This evolved into dividing the flock and only free ranging the more expendable chickens, after one of my favorite breeders was killed. Recently I rehomed all the remaining expendables and currently no one gets to free range. There are too many hawks lately.
Depends entirely on your flock, your surroundings/environment, and your own personal comfort level.

I live in the suburbs of a major city, on a small lot in a neighborhood. When I got my first two chickens, I had a mobile coop/pen that they stayed in all of the time, unless I was home and outside working in the (fenced) yard myself. After the first year, I became a little more lax, and let the chickens out whenever I was home, whether or not I was outside. Now, I let my chickens out into my yard all day, every day.

Yes, there are risks--there's a hawk whose territory covers my entire cul-de-sac, and a couple of stray cats, and raccoons--but I feel the benefits of them getting free range of my back yard far outweighs those risks, and also the cons posed by keeping them penned up like I used to. All I can do is take all the appropriate precautions I can.

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