Gleet monistat dose


Sep 25, 2020
I have been replying and adding two other peoples threads. Not sure if that’s the right way to get answers. Still learning to navigate. I have been reading everything about gleet and sour crop for days now. I have two in my quarantine coop together. One has all the symptoms of gleet and I am treating the other with Monistat orally for sour crop. She is coming around. The girl with cleat is now completely bald underneath and I put nu stock on. I have been reading that giving oral Monistat for gleet Patient as well may help. The gleet patient is acting normally and eating. She did isolate a bit before I quarantined her, but not as much as the sour crop girl.

I think I’m going to start her on the oral Monistat as well what I am not finding in the threads is how much I’ve been using a 3 mL syringe for my sour crop girl and filling it about halfway twice a day. Does this sound right? Does anyone know anything about dosage. I’m using a 4% Monistat Twice daily.

I have nine-year-old hens and started this obviously nine years ago. I have never wormed, but would like to do that after these two girls are a bit more healthy. I didn’t want to introduce too many things at once. I would do the whole flock I have 13.

I originally treated for coccidiosis with Corid when I saw the white liquid stool on the gleet girl I was not familiar with glee at the time.

I somehow deleted my gleet bottom pictures, but today her poop looks like this and here is a picture of her bottom today however, keep in mind that the pasty color you’re seeing is nu stock


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I have been replying and adding two other peoples threads. Not sure if that’s the right way to get answers.

I have two in my quarantine coop together. One has all the symptoms of gleet and I am treating the other with Monistat orally for sour crop. She is coming around. The girl with cleat is now completely bald underneath and I put nu stock on. I have been reading that giving oral Monistat for gleet Patient as well may help.

I have nine-year-old hens and started this obviously nine years ago. I have never wormed, but would like to do that after these two girls are a bit more healthy.
Reply and adding on to others threads is o.k., but depending on how old the thread is and if the OP is still may or may not get replies, so...starting your own thread like you have done is always a good idea, this way you can *hopefully* get some replies to your specific questions and concerns along with posting your own photos.

Before you apply the cream next time, get some photos of the vent if possible.
Does your hen have a continuous white yeasty discharge coming from the vent or is it urates (white) poop?

NuStock will help protect the skin, so no worries there. Looks like she's losing some feathers from plucking or getting rubbed off, but the photos are not quite close enough to see clearly.

Vent Gleet is a yeast/fungal infection so applying the Monistat to the vent can sometimes be helpful. Often giving it orally can be of benefit as well.

At 9 years of age, do they both still lay eggs?

For sour crop, I just squeeze out about 1/2 inch of the Monistat and give it orally twice a day, so it sounds like you are on the right track there.
Is her crop not emptying? I'd read the article linked below about treating crop issues, good info there in the comments section as well. These are the methods I use when treating my own hens.
Reply and adding on to others threads is o.k., but depending on how old the thread is and if the OP is still may or may not get replies, so...starting your own thread like you have done is always a good idea, this way you can *hopefully* get some replies to your specific questions and concerns along with posting your own photos.

Before you apply the cream next time, get some photos of the vent if possible.
Does your hen have a continuous white yeasty discharge coming from the vent or is it urates (white) poop?

NuStock will help protect the skin, so no worries there. Looks like she's losing some feathers from plucking or getting rubbed off, but the photos are not quite close enough to see clearly.

Vent Gleet is a yeast/fungal infection so applying the Monistat to the vent can sometimes be helpful. Often giving it orally can be of benefit as well.

At 9 years of age, do they both still lay eggs?

For sour crop, I just squeeze out about 1/2 inch of the Monistat and give it orally twice a day, so it sounds like you are on the right track there.
Is her crop not emptying? I'd read the article linked below about treating crop issues, good info there in the comments section as well. These are the methods I use when treating my own hens.
Thank you so much for the advice. I have read several articles. I believe this is one of them. That is where I’ve gotten the information so far. I tried, just squeezing it into her mouth like I’ve been advised by several folks here. I did it one time and she started to gurgle. It’s easier for me to use a syringe. But I’m having trouble finding them. I am using a 1 mL syringe. I accidentally quoted 3 mL. I have 3 mL syringe is coming from Amazon. Hopefully they won’t be too big. I could not find 1 mL feeding syringes. I will need them to treat for worms as I have never done that.

Yes, I can’t believe it. My 2 nine year olds are still laying. The two sick ones we are talking about are two and four years old not the old gals. They lay strange looking eggs sometimes, but they are in the nest boxes and leaving me a gift when I go back and they are gone.
I guess I’m doing something right if I have nine year olds lol. I just hate doctoring more than shoveling Poo.

when I washed her, she didn’t appear to have anything oozing out of her vent. It is just white liquid hanging all over her feathers when she has them. Perhaps it was the weight of them causing them to fall out. I trimmed the poop off one time perhaps that was it and the year urates got to her bottom. I have two girls, one being one of the nine-year-olds that get hard poop clumped up there so I trim them or soak them. Apparently this is not the right thing to do with this kind of wet runny bottom. I just want to get rid of the diarrhea. Another member from an older thread that I wrote on said he did not think that the Monistat would work as it works best at full strength, and until it gets through to where it needs to it would be diminished and strength. I actually saw two sores on her bottom, which is what made me quarantine her. I have not observed any self pecking or flock pecking and I watch them a lot.

As far as the sour crop girl, she was not emptying, but it was going on for quite some time. I thought she was just bottom of the pecking order and waiting till the others eat first. Then I saw her self isolating put her in my quarantine coop with this sore bottom girl. She did not empty checked early morning. After I started, the Monistat (I am on day three) she ate yesterday mash and a little hard boiled egg and yogurt. I left them both out to wander while I sat there with them and they did walk around. The wet bottom hen does not have any symptoms. I did catch her self isolating one time a few days ago. When I pulled them out at 4:30 this morning, her crop was full and squishy like previously. She seems to be feeling better and I’m hoping overtime. It will help her empty. She is very thin.
The two sick ones we are talking about are two and four years old not the old gals. They lay strange looking eggs sometimes, but they are in the nest boxes and leaving me a gift when I go back and they are gone.
What are the strange eggs like? If you see another one, try to get a photo or two.

Is it possible for you to gather a couple of samples of poop and take them to your vet to see if worms are part of the problem?
The 9 yr olds are not the hens that are sick. They were just an example of how long I have been doing it. And not wormed any. Not concerned about them.

I don’t have an avian vet close by and the one I called said it was $80 just to walk through the door with one chicken. They will not do a float unless I am an established patient. I don’t know how people can afford to vet. I spend way more on them than I make in eggs but I sure do love them. I try all I can at home with the help of all of you.

Too late to stop now. I am 3 days into monistat treatments on both. The sour crop girl seems to be bouncing back a bit each day. The runny poop girl never showed any symptoms other than a little self isolation and liquid poo.

On Saturday morning I will return them to the group and do the 5 day worming first week of May.
The 9 yr olds are not the hens that are sick. They were just an example of how long I have been doing it. And not wormed any. Not concerned about them.

I don’t have an avian vet close by and the one I called said it was $80 just to walk through the door with one chicken. They will not do a float unless I am an established patient. I don’t know how people can afford to vet. I spend way more on them than I make in eggs but I sure do love them. I try all I can at home with the help of all of you.

Too late to stop now. I am 3 days into monistat treatments on both. The sour crop girl seems to be bouncing back a bit each day. The runny poop girl never showed any symptoms other than a little self isolation and liquid poo.

On Saturday morning I will return them to the group and do the 5 day worming first week of May.
Following along with this thread as I am going through similar and posted a thread about it.

Pretty confident my speckled sussex had/has an impacted crop, sour crop, and vent gleet. I maybe turning the corner on the impacted crop and sour crop. Just need to address the vent gleet. Hoping the monistat I've been giving her 2x daily (since Sunday) will help with that. Her bottom is raw, lost feathers and very red, poor thing. She def has discharge coming out as well. I did soak her bottom last weekend in Epsom salt and apply monistat to her bottom and vent area, but not inside her vent.
Following along with this thread as I am going through similar and posted a thread about it.

Pretty confident my speckled sussex had/has an impacted crop, sour crop, and vent gleet. I maybe turning the corner on the impacted crop and sour crop. Just need to address the vent gleet. Hoping the monistat I've been giving her 2x daily (since Sunday) will help with that. Her bottom is raw, lost feathers and very red, poor thing. She def has discharge coming out as well. I did soak her bottom last weekend in Epsom salt and apply monistat to her bottom and vent area, but not inside her vent.
I originally had two sick girls. One was raw and red on the bottom like you described. She also had a yellowish discharge coming out which we thought was gleet. I gave oral Monistat as well as rubbed it on the red area (also put nu stock to help heal )and did squirt monistat ( I happen to have nystatin prescription cream, which I believe is a little bit stronger, )with a syringe carefully into the vent. But I only did that once or twice. Everyone here kept asking about worming. So I did that as well. The one that appeared to have gleet seemed to recover by the last day of the worm treatment. I still had her in quarantine and left her out for some exercise. As she ran by me she dropped a solid white capped poo. No more liquid diarrhea. She was also starting to heal and feather around the bottom where it was red. She is integrated back into the flock, but looks like she may be getting pecked down there. I sprayed her with blue coat and used nu stock but today I noticed, sores, and a large red spot again.

As far as the other girl. She remains fluffed up. Not laying eggs. Not roosting she is sleeping in the nest box. She is still in quarantine now alone. Barely eats. Very thin. Her crop is squishy, so I don’t believe that it’s impacted. I have tried everything. Nystatin orally twice a day for seven days. Safeguard goat worm orally for five days. I don’t really know what else to do for her. I massage her crop and push down words not up. I also try to rub her neck a bit. Her neck seems to be in an s shape. Hard to explain. She is pooping, white liquid, and some other strange poop. She eats certain things, but very little. She hops out of the coop, but then just stands there. I attached some pictures here. I have no idea if I should treat for yeast again or what to do.


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Reply and adding on to others threads is o.k., but depending on how old the thread is and if the OP is still may or may not get replies, so...starting your own thread like you have done is always a good idea, this way you can *hopefully* get some replies to your specific questions and concerns along with posting your own photos.

Before you apply the cream next time, get some photos of the vent if possible.
Does your hen have a continuous white yeasty discharge coming from the vent or is it urates (white) poop?

NuStock will help protect the skin, so no worries there. Looks like she's losing some feathers from plucking or getting rubbed off, but the photos are not quite close enough to see clearly.

Vent Gleet is a yeast/fungal infection so applying the Monistat to the vent can sometimes be helpful. Often giving it orally can be of benefit as well.

At 9 years of age, do they both still lay eggs?

For sour crop, I just squeeze out about 1/2 inch of the Monistat and give it orally twice a day, so it sounds like you are on the right track there.
Is her crop not emptying? I'd read the article linked below about treating crop issues, good info there in the comments section as well. These are the methods I use when treating my own hens.
Seems like after the safeguard goat worm treatment for five days. The girl that had the red bald bottom that we thought was gleet is now pooping hard round white caps. She was feathering back with epsom salt soaks and nu stock. I sprayed with blue coat to try to disguise the pink as she is back with the flock. Today I noticed pink bottom again and may be getting pecked looks raw/sores. Will soak and nu stock again when I can. This is a lot when I work too.

I am at a loss for the other one. She is still in quarantine. Eating but barely. Stays fluffed up, not roosting.(sleeping in nest box). She jumps out of the quarantine coop and tries to eat grass. She doesn’t scratch and when the flock is out with her, she stands away by her self. They tried to attack her, so I keep her out by herself when I give her a chance to be out.

Here are some pictures of the poop on her back end. And grabbed some from ground. I couldn’t tell if there was mucus or if that was a worm. There are hard Pieces which I presume are Undigested food. Unless worms are that shape almost like a grain. I Soaked her bottom in Epson salt but now it’s covered again. She obviously still has diarrhea. I treated with nystatin twice a day for seven days. Then I did the goat worm for the five days. She just doesn’t seem to be bouncing back. Not sure if I should repeat the nystatin orally? Crop is squishy not hard. Doesn’t empty completely but some. I massage briefly downward as well as neck daily and Hear some gurgling. She moves beak like bad taste in mouth. No smell from beak.


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Was the other with the dark poo dewormed? I would lean towards possible worms, but I am very inexperienced with this as a whole. I have never had a worm issue yet, just a sour crop issue with two of my birds over the few years I've had chickens.

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