Going out to feed/maintain/..slip on shoe recommendations?

I have been through so many pairs of shoes since I started keeping chickens. I used to be a huge fan of Chuck Taylor's. I have so many colors of them and would wear them all the time. I made the mistake of wearing them while tending to the flock after coming home later than anticipated one afternoon. Embarrassingly enough the next time I wore them out I realized that poop was all along the outside of the shoe where it wasn't noticeable to me since I took them off at the door and then slipped them on quickly before running back out to run an errand. Around this same time I started learning about diseases that can be picked up and brought in to the flock on shoes. I have been through about 6 pair of rain boots since then & they always fall apart within a short time. Shoes with exposed toes are a no go for me since I have psoriatic arthritis that has taken a huge toll on my feet/toes. If I get an aggressive peck that results in trauma to the skin, several months down the road, my immune system will start attacking this area. Since it's so ridiculously hot (with high humidity) I decided to try some croc knockoffs that are closed toe open back with some small cutouts for air flow. They're so lightweight and much cooler than boots but I've found that fire ants can easily sneak into the holes and start attacking my foot before I even realize it's there! Fire ants LOVE dried meal worms and can find them in a matter of a minute or two, so I have more bumps from fire ants than I'd like. I ended up buying a pair of sloggers for myself and a a pair for my daughter. They are a little snug so like others have mentioned, if you go this route, size up 😉
Maybe an equipment or supplies thread or category would be good, if I’m not seeing it. Running outside constantly to play with, feed, clean, garden, etc..does anyone have any good slip on shoe recommendations? Especially the kind you don’t even have to bend over for? It’d be nice to have a dedicated “chickens” shoe that slips on and off quickly..
BackdoorShoesus.com for dry weather; Sloggers, either shoe type or boots for wet weather work well for me.
Got these awesome Sloggers from Tractor Supply, they even have a cute chicken print!
Flip-flops for me! Plain and simple, waterproof too! Probably not for you if you want a nicer type of shoes, to I'd suggest sloggers. My mom uses them.
Cross. I got my first pair last year when my flock went out to the coop to live. I bought the ones that look like 300 birds popped on them! (Colorful, COMFY! -- and totally appropriate rainbow "poopy-looking" camouflage for heading out to the coop twice a day! )
Cross. I got my first pair last year when my flock went out to the coop to live. I bought the ones that look like 300 birds popped on them! (Colorful, COMFY! -- and totally appropriate rainbow "poopy-looking" camouflage for heading out to the coop twice a day! )
Cross? Typo above
Maybe an equipment or supplies thread or category would be good, if I’m not seeing it. Running outside constantly to play with, feed, clean, garden, etc..does anyone have any good slip on shoe recommendations? Especially the kind you don’t even have to bend over for? It’d be nice to have a dedicated “chickens” shoe that slips on and off quickly..
I live in Hi so cold is not an issue but wet is - I just found Atika women’s outdoor hiking sandals that slip on - they are wide enough for my foot and adjustable laces in the front - have a nice sole that wraps up in the front of the shoe for extra protection - when it is really rainy and wet I’ve found Foxelli women’s boots - totally waterproof and easy to get on and off and offer a lot of support and protection - EBay had the best deal on the sandals and the Foxelli website has he best deal on their boots

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