Has anyone ever raised Canada goose goslings?


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Livermore, CA
I am thinking about buying a couple of goslings, basically to have them free roam around the property. I love honkers and the sounds they make and i think they would make a great addition to the farm!! Pinioned of course!!............Jason

PS- Do they remain friendly or they get wild like most other wildfowl?
I hatched 5 canadians. They were the smartest geese I ever raised.They stayed friendly and even when I took them to a friends farm they remembered me! I would come visit and yell ronk ronk ronk and they would come running from wherever they were and hang out with me.My fav birds from 30 years of birds.They were friendlier than most parrots I've had.
In most areas, it is illegal to keep Canada geese without a license. There is one hatchery that will sell them to you with a "free license", but you may not sell or give them away without your own license. So, it's not as easy and just picking them up out of a nest and raising them. Just be careful and check out the rules before you get too attached. They are really cute and love attention.

I have a friend with a license and she has taken them in on her wildlife rehab license and has one she released who still returns to "visit" from time to time.
No problems with licensing here, i am federally licensed and of course licensed through the state of CA, i have to be in order to raise/sell some of the breeds of wildfowl i have.

Looks like i will be checking into a local breeder to find some goslings!!................Jason
Jason -
I got my goosling, which I'm pretty sure is a Canada, from the local feed store in Modesto. I was a bit discouraged when I realized s/he was probably a Canada Goose because I thought s/he might be nasty because of my experiences with other Canada geese, but Houdini is now 5 weeks old and is super sweet.

I think it is just a matter of imprinting and bonding. Of course, during breeding season even the sweetest goose may get persnickity, especially if you have a mated pair.

Somebody in Livermore raising wood ducks- whoda thunk.

You got goslings from a feed store in Motown!! What store is this? I wouldnt mind calling them to see if they have anymore!!

Yup, i think i am the only person in Livermore that raises wood ducks, heck, i may be the only one who raises ornamental waterfowl here, period!!! Well, besides my buddy who lives up by Mt.Hamilton!! Take care and have a great weekend!!.........Jason
People want to raise them? they are a pest here

There are teams of people with Border Collies to chase them off parks, airports and golf courses.
They were also encouraging people if they find a nest to shake the eggs.
There are two types the lesser and the greater Canada Goose.

Maybe Canada should add them to the free trade agreement?
My uncle brought a pair of goslngs to me once. Some kids had trapped them in a milk crate and were spraying them with the hose. He brought them here, cold and scared. I babied them..emmensly lol. They remained friendly, they honked at me when I let them out in the morning. Kept them for 2 years... Then..one day I let them out and off they flew.. I haven't seen them since.

BlackBart off topic, but I have a Sugar Glider named Black Bart...lol
Last edited:
BlackBart off topic, but I have a Sugar Glider named Black Bart...lol
Black Bart was the name of my Jersey Giant Rooster.
Without the proper permit you can get in trouble for messing with a nest. The game people might let you get away with it but if an animal's rights group catches wind they will raise a stink and insist that the law be enforced. The International treaty that protects these birds predates the free trade agreement by decades! and BTW There are seven subspecies of this bird, of varying sizes and plumage details, but all are recognizable as Canada Geese. Some of the smaller races can be hard to distinguish from the newly-separated Cackling Goose.

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