Has anyone found an Organic or Non-GMO All Flock?

Oct 13, 2019
Longmont, CO
I’m having a hard time finding one locally. My feed store is trying to order the one from Ranchway, but they have been waiting two weeks and it still hasn’t shipped. Curious what others are doing that want to feed organic or at least non gmo but have a mix of roosters and hens.
For what it's worth...
Most all flock type feeds are very similar to the same companies' starter/grower feed.

I cannot remember off the top of my head which company does sell an organic off-lock type feed but if you are already purchasing an organic feed you might want to continue purchasing their starter grower feed and just add oyster shell on the side for your laying hens.

You really need to check your local stores to see what they carry because it is very expensive to have 50 lb bags of feed shipped to you.
For what it's worth...
Most all flock type feeds are very similar to the same companies' starter/grower feed.

I cannot remember off the top of my head which company does sell an organic off-lock type feed but if you are already purchasing an organic feed you might want to continue purchasing their starter grower feed and just add oyster shell on the side for your laying hens.

You really need to check your local stores to see what they carry because it is very expensive to have 50 lb bags of feed shipped to you.

Yeah that’s what I’ve heard and I actually have them on organic Purina starter right now, but it’s not very cost effective. 😬
The organic ranchway feed was a heavier bag for cheaper but I kind of doubt my feed store will actually get it in at this point. I’m looking at Kalmbach right now which is non-GMO. I’m seeing it on Chewy.com for like $26/50lb bag. I’m going to call around feed stores farther out from me tomorrow and see what I can find.

Organic will never be cost effective as compared to conventional.
You should be cautious of sources. I used to get an organic grower feed from Nature's Grown that was a reasonable price. However that was only because we had a feed co-op when we bought in bulk. I've found the same feed at a few area stores. The cost was almost twice what I bought it for fresh. It was always old. The freshest I found was 6 months old and one store had it 2 years old. The problem is that most don't want to pay that much for feed and it sits on the store shelf till it is virtually junk, devoid most vitamins and amino acids.
Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and other fats in the body. Water soluble vitamins must be consumed every day.
Providing good nutrition means the feed should be fresh.
Feeding organic feed that is 6 months old will be much poorer nutrition than what battery hens get fed a conventional feed that was milled the day before.
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If you have a TSC (Tractor Supply Co) in your area, they have a large selection of Non-GMO and Organic Starter Grower feed.
If you go onto the website and put in your location and chicken feed. They list the most popular feeds.
At my local TSC the most popular organic Starter-Grower is 20200229_173037_resized.jpg . for a 40 lb bag on sale. The most popular Non-GMO Starter-Grower is 20200229_173523_resized.jpg , for a 10 lb bag. The price at your store will most likely vary. GC

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