Have you bought chicks from Tractor Supply this spring?

Question for anyone that has recently bought chicks from tractor supply. In my state (and probably all states) we are asked to provide our name and address when purchasing chicks. Does TSC ask for I.D.? Or do you just fill out your name and address yourself?

Do they still have a 6 chick minimum?
I didn't have to give info last month in Tennessee. Not sure about a minimum as I came home with 86.
I didn't have to give info last month in Tennessee. Not sure about a minimum as I came home with 86.
So I guess my state is just about the only one that requires it? Guess it is for the poultry industry. Well that doesn't make me feel any better as they probably take the culling of flocks more seriously than other states too.
I just picked up 4 chicks last week. That was the minimum. At the check-out counter they handed me a binder and asked me to fill out my name, address and phone#. They never asked to see I.D.
Picked up chicks at a local place called Farm and Home a couple weeks ago. They had a 4 chick minimum (got 8), but no ID or paperwork needed. The extent that they went for anything preventative was a checklist on the side of the box show what to buy for chicks.

But yea, in regards to the avian flu going around, the new chicks are still in quarantine away from my main group. Both groups are healthy.
Vermont has a six-chick minimum for all fowl and poultry. I haven't purchased from TSC in years so unsure if they're collecting personal info and I don't think they collected any when I did purchase.
I am worried about the state tracking down chick buyers to cull their whole flock. As you said, it is "everywhere" anyway so killing every flock that may or may not have been exposed makes no sense to me at all.
The government already knows where most of them are because breeders are licensed and everyone ships thru Usps
I bought chicks last month at TSC in Georgia and once in South Carolina (I’m near the border) and I didn’t have to provide an ID. They have my name and address and all that because I’m part of the rewards program.

The minimum was 4 chicks at both locations.

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