HELP! 8 week old Easter Egger pullet maybe -- thought was hen, could be rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Hey all,

I got 3 easter eggers, nearly 8 weeks ago. 2 look nearly identical, this one (Stella) is completely different color and has a different comb. She is sweet, loving and gentle and our cherished bird. Is she a pullet? Is she an EE or different breed? here are pictures of her below

There are black and white easter egger pullets with similar coloring, but if you look at enough pics you can see the difference in the color patterns. Plus, red on the wing is always a boy. That red will most likely spread out and he'll be a very pretty multi-colored roo.
for the most part its that deep mahogany red on the wing bow that indicates an ee cockerel (if i remember right)...for other breeds im not sure maybe

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