HELP!! Baby silkie chick is sick and not growing!!

The Ranch Girl

Jun 27, 2022
My Coop
My Coop
My now almost 3 week old silkie chicks have been growing great! Getting feathers in and everything. We only hatched 4, I noticed one of them about a week ago was hunched together and in the corner, I watched his behavior and he would eat and drink. He had some pasty poop on his butt. I cleaned it off and have been checking it ever since. Today I noticed his behavior is the same. Still not active at ALL and now the others are WAY bigger then him! So is he sick?? And not growing! I just don’t know what’s going on. He is limping now too! I think one of them injured him. I have a comparison of him next to the other one. He is the smaller one. They hatched the same day.
Awww she's so cute. Wish I knew how to help. You could try probotic for her runny stool probios is a good brand from Tractor supply. Also try a good multi vitamin on her. I noticed silkies seemed to get deficiency easily. You can also mash up hard boiled eggs for her and supplement a meal or two with that . Between the protein and probiotic with multi vitamins she should perck up a bit. She might be smaller and that's ok but extra protein will help her out. Keep us posted on how she's doing please. Best wishes
Awww she's so cute. Wish I knew how to help. You could try probotic for her runny stool probios is a good brand from Tractor supply. Also try a good multi vitamin on her. I noticed silkies seemed to get deficiency easily. You can also mash up hard boiled eggs for her and supplement a meal or two with that . Between the protein and probiotic with multi vitamins she should perck up a bit. She might be smaller and that's ok but extra protein will help her out. Keep us posted on how she's doing please. Best wishes
Ok thank you SO MUCH! I have probois and I will do the eggs. Anything to get her better. How to I give the probios to her? And how much?
It could be a runt, in which case it may always be a bit smaller, or it could catch up at some point, or it could be failure to thrive, which is sort of a catch all for a chick that has something physically wrong that isn't obvious to diagnose. Not really anything specific you can do in either of those cases, just make sure the chick can eat and drink without being bullied and hope for the best.

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