help!!!!!! chick that i just bought is drooling!!!!!!!!!

Chickens don't drool. When liquid comes out of the mouth there is a serious health issue. Isolate the bird until you know that it isn't contagious. It could be any number of things, from peritonitis that backs up and out (I've actually seen that first hand) to a yeast infection in the crop, to a severe sinus infection (as blondi mentioned.) I have FAQ about what to do and look for when your chicken is sick. It might help you look for more clues.
Solid poops are a very good sign. You'll know by tomorrow if it's contagious. Usually illnesses spread quickly within a flock and they've all been exposed.
I know this isn't the answer to the problem, but have you been putting Vi-tal or Save-a-chick in their water? (electrolytes)? It won't cure anything, but it could help give them a boost & maybe a little more strength to fight this. I don't want to say i knwo what it is or even what it could be. So many chicken illnesses express the same symptoms. TerryG gave some very good info. You have to find all the possibilities, monitor your chick, isolate it (that one should have been first), then narrow down the possibilities from what you've noticed... and you have to do this fast. I know how stressful this can be as I one of my 7 week old chicks is very ill right now. Along with the Vi-tal in the water, also feed them, medicated chick feed. I live in Maui so there are a lot of farms & they have feed stores with very knowledgable staff. Theyw ere able to help me, maybe you could bring your chick in to the feed store & ask what they think, if you can't afford a vet - like myself at the moment :(
I'm sorry I couldn't help more, please let me know how everything turns out & I wish you the best of luck :) If you need anythign else, please ask... maybe I can help.
thnaks, for caring! she is doing better! not drooling anymore, but still does not have solid poops
Oh! does anyone think this could be a vent gleet?? Cause my chicken had one and she drooled three times, then stopped. She still had some runny poops. I gave her tetracycline mixed in her water for four days while she was isolated. Then I backed it off and she was all better!!!!! Except this is really the only disease my chickens had so I could be wrong.

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