Help !!Day 20 - egg stopped wiggling

Nitin Kumar

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 30, 2014
Hello everyone,

This is my first hatch and I have two eggs left. On day 18 they started wiggling a lot and I was kinda excited. Now its day 20 and one of the egg have stopped moving at all. Is this normal? while another once wiggles once in a while.

Guys please tell me if this is normal or if my baby died inside? Thank you in advanced. I can't sleep anymore.
P.S - Both eggs were set on 23 and one of them has been constantly moving since day 18 another wiggled until day 19 and have stopped since then. Is it getting ready to hatch or is it dead by now? Should I help him or what?
they are fine- the egg gets more crowded and the chic cannot move as much. then you will see a pip where the chick pecked through the shell-then the egg will get still again because it is getting used to our air- and absorbing the yolk which can take another 24 hrs. don't stress and the pip doen't mean the chick is ready to hatch- it just wants air.
It's hard to say. I've had eggs quietly hatch with no sign of life until the chick started opening the shell. Others have wiggled and cheeped and went quiet and hatched. What I do when I'm unsure about an egg (usually for overdue eggs) is take the eggs and hold them against my ear and tap them softly with my fingernail. If there is a live chick in there it will tell you all about it! Just make sure you work quickly and don't let the eggs chill or the humidity in the incubator drop too much while you're busy. Fingers crossed!
they are fine- the egg gets more crowded and the chic cannot move as much. then you will see a pip where the chick pecked through the shell-then the egg will get still again because it is getting used to our air- and absorbing the yolk which can take another 24 hrs. don't stress and the pip doen't mean the chick is ready to hatch- it just wants air.

Okay. But one of the egg has been constantly shaking since day 18 up till right now whereas they started wiggling at the same time. One has no movement at all and another is having a party inside coz its moving a lot in a lot.....

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