HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!OMG i caught a injured herion the tall birds

She'll be fine. Some birds fake a broke wing so youll be more interested in her than her eggs..This could not be the case.
Probably the best thing to do is to leave her alone.
Do you have a local chapter of the Audubon Society? If so, they can help. Try the state fish and game department, too. I know in Portland there are a number of agencies that deal with injured birds. If you can, have an experienced person come handle it.
call your vet or animal control something. i recently found a bird a cat was chasing after who's wing and leg were open. i called the vet and walked over there and unfortunatly she had too much blood loss and they had to put her down. they did it for free!!

Call your local zoo. My husband works with a man who volunteers for the zoo to help mend wild birds back to health and release back to the wild. My husband and this guy are aircraft mechanics and this guy brings the birds to work with him so he can give them meds when they need them.

Call the DNR they can handle it and get it to rehab if needed. Regular vets cannot treat wildlife unless they have a special permit. Emerg treatment can be done but anything further needs to got to a licensed rehabber plus most vet clinics aren't set up to take care of wildlife.
so pretty much trey - call everybody

autobon society

the local zoo

a local vet

animal control

and the list continues...
i did i call every one i had 8 numbers i was refered to. all said call this call this blah blah and i cant help that animal WELL WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU HELP?!
but i found a clinic that will help this poor bird if it survives the night.
it said not to give it any water or food because it might be bad for it.
so ill take it tomarrow.
thanks everyone and im uploading some pics on photobucket
so hold on. lol
Fortunately we have a wildlife center near by..I've taken a baby crow, a blue jay and Hiccups the baby possum there.
Herons are big big birdies...I flushed a green heron once at Pond Meadow Park and it wasn't nearly as big as an Egret or a Great Blue...
ya it it pretty big for a bird it is like 10 time the size of a standard hen!
it stands about 2 1/2 feet or more!! i cant really look at a bird and tell the size but it was big!

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