Help me decide what breeds i should use for my project/ if i should mix


Chasing broodies
Premium Feather Member
Jan 12, 2023
Attica Greece
If you know me, you know I'm not a fan of mixes. But there are some exceptions. Right now, the only two breeds I'm interested in breeding are the aseel, and a Greek landrace breed (and possibly yokohama but that's another thing). That being said, I'd like to start a project (so this would be the third "breed" I guess) to create a good free ranging bird. I already have a great base, the landrace breed, they are known for being good flyers and good at roosting high up in the trees (I can confirm the first part is true). Now, my goals for this birds is to be on the lightweight side, be an excellent flyer and forager, as well as being fast to mature and a good broody and mom (I don't want to be raising any chicks, they should be able to self multiply) and lastly, though not entirely necessary, I'd like it if they had a distinguishing mark, like a small crest, or a beard. Now, I'm covered when it comes to being a good forager, being lightweight, being good flyers, and having a distinguishing mark (though I'd like to improve on the last three) so basically, what I really need now is a fast maturing bird, that goes broody, and is on the lighter side. If anyone has any ideas as to what might be good, I'm all ears. My first thoughts for flight and lightweight-ness were Mediterranean breeds, but they are usually bad broodies,and
Buckeyes aren’t lightweight but they cover all your other bases.

I can work with that, problem is, I don't think I'd find Buckeyes here, do you know the breeds that were used in their creation? Really cool breed though, I've never actually searched anything about them so I'm quite clueless
Ah yes, than you for reminding me. I think this goes without saying, but I obviously would like a birds that's not dumb and knows how to hide/make alarm calls
Here are some breeds that are somewhat available to me, and I think would be good. Phoenix, Breakel, Hamburg, leghorns, and several bantam mixes
That's what I was thinking, but the Phoenix expert @JacinLarkwell (I'm pretty sure) told me that they weren't fast to mature. I guess I can get one or two leghorns wwhich mature quickly and keep that gene going?

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