Help!! My duck has a cloudy spot on her eye.


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2016
My duckling has a bluish cloudy spot on her eye. She will be a week old tomorrow. Any ideas what it is? She isn't showing signs of sickness or acting like it is bothering her. Could she be going blind in that eye? Is there anything I can do? I have a picture but can't upload it for some reason.
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It could be a cataract or a scratch on the lens. You can try an eye ointment in case it is scratched and will heal over time. If it is a cataract it will not get better.
Do you know where I can get the ointment? If it is a cataract will she eventually go blind in that eye? It's on the iris and underneath. Not on the actually pupil yet.
Check at your local feed store. I was born with congenital cataracts so I had my lenses replaced with artificial lenses as an adult but that is not an option for ducks. I have a Call duck with one missing eye (don't know what happened because I got her that way) and she gets around just fine. Cataracts cause blurred vision rather than total blindness in the eye so she should be fine but if it is a scratched lens she could recover fully with just slight scarring.

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