With a very overgrown spur, you can wrap the chicken in a towel like a burrito, and take pliers and twist of the spur cap. The skin underneath will be red and tender, but it will quickly heal. The spur then will grown back eventually. Or you can cut off much of the spur with dog nail clippers and file it down. I have had a rooster who knocked his spurs off, and they later grew back curling into the back of his legs. So I took them off and kept a watch on them growing back.

Get some permethrin spray for horses at your feed store to treat for lice or mites. Spray about 1/2 ounce on the big chickens, less on the bantam chickens with lice and mites if it is warm enough outside. Repeat this in 10 days, since lice eggs will then hatch, and that may take care of them. Bedding should be cleaned out from coop, nests, and roosts and everything needs to be sprayed down. You may be fighting a losing battle on the lice though, since these people would need to keep up with the treatment.

Bumblefoot scabs can be softened with a warm soak in Epsom salts, dish soap and water, or Betadine and water. Then peeling off the scab, and squeezing out the yellow cheesy solid core that is usually found in bumblefoot is done. The foot then can be bandaged with plain Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment and a 2x2 gauze. Vet wrap strips cut about 1 inch wide, can then be used to wrap the foot. Change it every 2 days. Here is a video of the bandaging:


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