Help new broody on eggs and 40 eggs in Incubator


Jun 4, 2015
Northern Michigan
Just looking for some advice,,, so my broody hen,, is just under a year old,,, she tried to be broody a few months back in the fall, did not work out, but now,,, she has been sitting on 7 eggs and going on day 14 now,, She is a black Showgirl,,,

I have about 40 eggs in my incubator, I started my incubator 2 days before Precious went broody,,
Oh, well you can just slip eggs under her, she should take them or you can wait until they hatch and give her the chicks. I have done both very successfully. Wear gloves in case she gets a bit persickity.
ok, agree,,, so what if I set up the brooder,, inside the coop,,,,,

Do you have a separate section in the coop where you can set up a nest? When I hatch eggs in the incubator and one of my hens goes broody, I slip the babies under her at night and in the morning she is a happy momma. Never put more than 20 babies as they is not enough room under her to cover the chicks. Maybe if you have a separate section with heat, it may work. If it is warm enough they will not have to hide under her to stay warm, they may just climb on her back or near her. Good luck with it.

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