help - prolapse - will these work?


chillin' with my peeps!
8 Years
Oct 3, 2015
TSC is fairly close by, but I was wondering if we can use any of these things around the house to help out our pullet (profile) right now. She can poop, and it seems to go in and out but we still are worried.
- expired Neosporin
- saline wound wash spray (gentle, no burning/stinging)
- preparation H
- unmedicated petroleum jelly

This is all we have to work with right now. Will we need anything else to treat a first-time possible prolapse?
I read somewhere that Neosporin is toxic to chickens. is that true?
Thanks. She is able to poop and it didn't seem very bad, her prolapse/activeness had been fluctuating every few minutes. We gave her the saline and prepH and she seems to be doing fine now, but we will be sure to keep an eye on her.

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