Help!!! Turken chick has a growth that is rapidy getting larger


Apr 29, 2024
My turken chick (about 4 weeks old) has a growth on the back of its neck. I'm very worried since it has rapidly grown in size within a week and looks possibly Infected.
Right now we are using vetericyn wound care to keep it clean and giving antibiotics in their water.
Does anyone know what this is and how to treat it?


  • Collage 2024-04-29 16_15_10.jpg
    Collage 2024-04-29 16_15_10.jpg
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I haven’t seen that before. I would have guessed it might be an ingrown feather cyst if it was in a feathered area. It must be a cyst or tumor, but it seems to have developed at a very young age to have been so large at 3 weeks old. Have you every had a virus in your flock such as avian leukosis or Mareks?
I haven’t seen that before. I would have guessed it might be an ingrown feather cyst if it was in a feathered area. It must be a cyst or tumor, but it seems to have developed at a very young age to have been so large at 3 weeks old. Have you every had a virus in your flock such as avian leukosis

I haven’t seen that before. I would have guessed it might be an ingrown feather cyst if it was in a feathered area. It must be a cyst or tumor, but it seems to have developed at a very young age to have been so large at 3 weeks old. Have you every had a virus in your flock such as avian leukosis or Mareks?
No viruses or signs of infection in any of the other chicks, just this little turken. They are young and have not been outside yet either.
I haven’t seen that before. I would have guessed it might be an ingrown feather cyst if it was in a feathered area. It must be a cyst or tumor, but it seems to have developed at a very young age to have been so large at 3 weeks old. Have you every had a virus in your flock such as avian leukosis or Mareks?
Not chiming in, other than to say you will see random feathers pop up on the necks of turken chicks. One here or one there. When we first got them I was worried we had some duds that weren't going to have naked necks because of the random feathers - but they eventually all fell out and didn't return after their first molt.
I missed the part about giving antibiotics. I would stop those, since your other chickens do not need those. Mareks or avian leukosis virus can cause tumors. You could try lancing on of the lesions to see if there is just blood and tissue, or any pus or ingrown feather inside. But I would consider euthanizing the chick and sending the body to the state vet for a necropsy where they could also test for tumors.

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