Help with ID of rescued duck


Free Ranging
Aug 16, 2021
St Augustine, FL
This duck has just been rescued from a pond and I am trying to persuade the rescuer not to release it back to the pond when she has "fed it up". I know it is a domestic duck but she thinks its wild. It will help if I can tell her what sort of duck it is!

Female duck.jpg
I would tell her that if she genuinely thinks it's a wild duck, then she has committed a federal crime by taking it and needs to contact fish and game immediately. They will certainly be able to set her straight and would also inform her that releasing it back to the wild would be crime. If she can't identify wildlife or even know the laws, she has no place taking / rescuing animals from the wild. In the future she needs to call fish and game or a licenced rehabber.

Harsh, but that's how I feel about it.
I would tell her that if she genuinely thinks it's a wild duck, then she has committed a federal crime by taking it and needs to contact fish and game immediately. They will certainly be able to set her straight and would also inform her that releasing it back to the wild would be crime. If she can't identify wildlife or even know the laws, she has no place taking / rescuing animals from the wild. In the future she needs to call fish and game or a licenced rehabber.

Harsh, but that's how I feel about it.
She is in the UK. It's different there.

The duck was brought to her as she works in a zoo and has a degree in zoology. She didn't take the boy from the wild! But she doesn't know about ducks which is why I was contacted by a mutual friend in the UK who knows that I keep ducks

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