Hen uninterested in feed, seems almost tired?


Feather Fluffer
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
For the sake of the read, I will first condense my observations, then I will go on my long winded story that may contain other important things.

Symptoms, short version:
Two year old Golden Laced Wyandotte hen checks out as all good physically, abdomen not swollen or hard, crop seems normal, no limp, comb is bright red, she seems just as alert as she always is. Seems interested in food, but doesn't eat, she will drink(according to family, but I haven't seen it), and it looks like she may be eating grass. Not laying, but doesn't feel egg bound. Thought she was broody a few days ago, but she left the egg and her hiding spot was removed. Since then she has hung in the coop, almost reluctant to leave, doesn't leave until afternoon. Recently introduced six new 2mo unvaxxed pullets from Rural King.

The long version:
For a few days my hen has been displaying some odd behavior.
Several days ago, we couldn't find her when closing up, and we didn't find evidence of her getting killed, so we closed them up and figured she'd come back. And she did! A day or so later we found that she was sitting on one egg in a stand of weeds in the pen. After only two or three days or nights, she left the egg and returned to the coop, and soon after that the stand of weeds was weed whacked, and the egg collected. Since then there has been no evidence of her laying. Before this she had another stand of weeds, but those were also gotten rid of. Since leaving the egg, she hasn't been so keen on leaving the coop. She does eventually leave in the afternoon sometimes, and the rooster stays with her in the morning. He crows until I come down to check her out.
Morning check, she is perfectly alert as always, crop isn't totally empty I don't think, but it's small. She isn't egg bound, I have probed all over her abdomen, and it feels normal. Not swollen or hard anywhere. Comb is bright red, pretty sure she has been drinking. She isn't limping or anything, there's no external problem. She will peck around at grass. She's weird about feed, I brought a handful down to the coop and she watched the roo eat it and seemed very interested, pecked a few times herself but didn't eat. She's almost tired? Not quite. She doesn't run away from me or other things with as much vigor as usual, but she isn't oblivious and still moves well. A couple days ago we found her shaking, like she was scared and/or her heart was racing. We thought perhaps a predator had startled her, but there is no visible sign of one. She stopped shaking after a few minutes of my seeing it. On another note, about a month ago we introduced some new pullets, who are now almost 3months old. They are from Rural King, we were told that they are unvaxxed.

Anyways, sorry about the long read. Any thoughts? Is she sick? Anything I can give her to restore her seemingly low energy?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Hello! My first thought would be to dose her with calcium citrate and give her coconut water or something similar to hydrate her, watermelon would be great too. When they're broody they don't eat well or drink. She may be dehydrated.
Hello! My first thought would be to dose her with calcium citrate and give her coconut water or something similar to hydrate her, watermelon would be great too. When they're broody they don't eat well or drink. She may be dehydrated.
Hi! Do you know where I can get calcium citrate? TSC or somewhere similar?
I wonder, if perhaps she is possibly broody, but is acting strangely because her nest was destroyed and she has no eggs.
Update, I found her shaking again. It's more of a tremble than a shake, it's not very obvious. You can see it if you stand still and look for a moment. It's more than the movement of a typical living animal.
Has she been broody before?
If not, she may be about to go broody but very confused. That can happen if it is their first time. I had a hen that had similar symptoms as yours, minus the shaking.
Hope this helps!
Nope, she hasn't been broody before! Perhaps she is just confused?
I just don't know about the trembling, maybe it's from standing on the roost all morning without food or water.

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