Hi everyone!


Mar 31, 2024
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi! I am going to be getting my first chickens by the end of this week! I am really excited. We are getting 2 brahmas; a light and a dark, a buff Orpington, a barred rock, and a blue jersey giant. After they are old enough, they are going to move out to a 6’ by 9’ walk in run with an eglu cube. Here is a picture of their “grow out tub” (yes I know that isn’t the proper term but I am a reptile keeper and is what we call them for reptiles, which birds are 😉).
Any advice for it? I also have a 18% protein crumble, two different brands mixed together, that they will be fed.

Anyway, along with my future chickens, I also have two dogs, a macaw, a blue tongue skink, a scaleless Texas rat snake, two toads, a northern slimy salamander, a northern green frog, a crested gecko, some land snails, and way too many fish. Here are some pics of them! IMG_1739.jpeg IMG_1732.jpeg IMG_1381.jpeg IMG_1222.jpeg IMG_9314.jpeg IMG_1031.jpeg IMG_1375.jpeg IMG_1788.jpeg IMG_1132.jpeg IMG_1713.jpeg
I do keep multiple other fish species but they are just too hard to get pictures of
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
That tote is very small for the number of chicks you have especially considering the size of the feeder and the waterer in there. Chicks should have at least one 1sq ft each in the brooder up until the age of 3 weeks. After that they should have 2 sq ft each. When they are adults they should have 3.5 to 4 sq ft per bird in the coop.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Love your photos, ❤ thanks for sharing!

That tub is a bit small for the amount of chicks you are getting. If you can find a bigger one or even modify a large wire dog crate, it would be better for the chicks. Not only do they need places to cool off but space so they don't start picking in each other.

Enjoy this new adventure!

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